what are stages at this point?

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During the time everyone was at the park.

3rd pov

Naruto watched as Suigetsu and Karin left with the kids. The blonde then turned to the raven and huffed.

"Ima go take a shower." Naruto said. Sasuke smirked and ran up behind him.

"Want company?" Sasuke asked.

"W-What!? N-no way!" Naruto squirmed. Sasuke held tight and laughed a bit. Naruto was taken back by the laughter coming from the raven.

"Oi whats so funny?" Naruto asked. Sasuke then grabbed Naruto's hands and walked him to the couch.

"...Thank you for everything Naruto." Sasuke smiled. Naruto felt his words pierced his heart.

"I can't wait to win you over Naru... Because I wanna pound you so hard..." Sasuke smirked as he whispered in the blondes ear. Naruto blushed instantly and hid his face.

"Baka! Why w-would you ever say such things." The blonde stuttered.

"...because I like you...no....I love you Naruto Uzumaki." Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hands once again. Naruto felt butterflies in his stomach which made him go for it.

"...The shower can wait..." Naruto said before kissing the raven on the lips. Sasuke was shocked but enjoyed the lip contact. Naruto sat on top of Sasuke, still kissing him to the point where they can't breath. Sasuke pulled away and made the blonde look at him.

"What about your stage rules?" Sasuke asked. Naruto looked away then back at him.

"...what are stages at this point...Sasuke?" Naruto smiled. That alone gave Sasuke the push to bring Naruto upstairs to his bedroom. Sasuke layed the blonde down as he continued to kiss everywhere on Naruto. Sasuke took their shirts off and each piece of cloth off one by one.

"S-sasuke..." Naruto said while being shy. Sasuke kissed Naruto on the neck down to his stomach, leaving a trail of hickeys. The raven pointed his index finger and middle finger at Naruto's mouth. The blonde knew what he wanted and started to suck and lick his fingers. After the preparation Sasuke entered the blonde slow. Naruto arched his back, gasping for air.

"W-wai-hah! I-it hurts!" Naruto freaked out. Sasuke understood and licked the blondes lips.

"Its going to be okay Naru...tell me when it feels good....okay?" Sasuke smiled. Naruto winced in pain but smiled as well. Sasuke pushed carefully until he was fully in. Naruto's winces of pain turned into pleasure. He started to moan louder and louder. The bed started to move with them.

"Saa-aha! Sasuke...w-wait!" Naruto gasped.

"I've been waiting!" Sasuke grunted.

They started off slow but sadly...Sasuke got impatient.

Time skip

Sasuke patiently waited for Naruto to get out of the shower, then it would be his turn. Naruto got out and switched with Sasuke.

Naruto's pov


NO No no....I-i...I would never let Sasuke get me that easily!....

I dried myself and got dressed before my children came back....I should make them some lunch! I got my slippers on and started preparing my lunch. Not soon after Sasuke came downstairs and sat at the table....staring at me like a creep.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes you can....for a round two?"


"TCH T-TEME! YOU WISH!" I screamed. He only smirked and got up. He looked at what I was doing and then at me.

"Sandwiches?" Sasuke said.

"Hm! Yes instead if ramen or onigiri all the time, I decided to do a healthy snack for lunch." I explained.

Sasuke then nodded and pulled me away to the couch.

3rd pov

"S-sasuke?" Naruto blushed as he sat on top of Sasuke who was nibbling and kissing away.


"What are y-you doing?" The blonde solfty said.

"Im having lunch...sadly I already had dessert....maybe I could have seconds later on tonight?" The raven flirted. Naruto blushed even more where he was just the same color of a tomato. Naruto let Sasuke do this to the point where he was all marked.

"....I....I have to go make the Sandwiches now..." Naruto stuttered. He quickly got off of the raven and ran over to the kitchen. Sasuke only followed and decided to be a distraction. He gently placed his hands on the blondes waist as he wrapped around him.

"Mine." Sasuke whispered as he turned Naruto around. They both locked lips in which both decided not to let go. Naruto melted into the kiss too fast to not knowing what was happening.

Suigetsu opened the door and immediately covered Karins eyes. Naruto and Sasuke were kissing each other until the blond noticed and pushed the raven off. Karin knew what was going on even though her eyes were covered, she started to squeal. 

"Heh well well-" Suigetsu said.

"IT WAS A PECK I SWEAR!?" Naruto blushed. Sasuke was ticked off that they were back. Menma was jaw dropped while Satoshi walked away. Karin jumped up and down all giddy and happy.

"Eeeee! Naru!" Karin squealed. Suigetsu held onto his women for dear life. Sasuke walked over to the couch and turned the TV on. Menma walked up to him and smirked.

"Daddy I thought you had work?" Menma teased.

"Hn a man needs a break from life you know." Sasuke said.

"Hm? How big of breaks?" Menma asked. Sasuke then thought about the events that had happened.

"Hn...a nice long break is good enough for me." Sasuke smirked. Menma laughed and climbed on top of his father. The young raven then moved to his fathers ear and spoke.

"I cant wait until we're an official family..." Menma smiled. Sasuke nodded and then looked over to Naruto who was still trying to come up with an excuse.

Later that night



Sasuke looked over to the blonde who was on the other side of the bed.

"Can we-"



Sasuke layed down quietly while Naruto was trying to sleep.

"Are you sure-"

"Yes! Go to bed!"



Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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