Good little Boy

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3rd pov


"I after breakfast you guys will be packing. Isnt that too short of a visit?" Naruto said while drinking his tea.

"Yeah sadly. Log has something big coming up with his work so we have to go back to America." Karin sighed.

"Ah I see. Well maybe we should all do something before you guys leave!" Naruto exclaimed. Karin agreed and looked to her husband who nodded.

"Okay what should we do?" Suigetsu asked. Satoshi didn't waste anytime to answer that question.

"AMUSEMENT PARK!" Satoshi yelled. Menma also got excited and agreed, so did Mitsuki. Sasuke then froze.

"How about somewhere more....isolated..." Sasuke suggested. Everyone looked at him like he was a mad man.

"I think thats a great idea Satoshi!" Naruto smiled. Sasuke set his tea down and turned to his sons.

"Look not today! Let's have a settle day before they go alright!" Sasuke said in a fatherly voice. Naruto and Karin pouted while Suigetsu rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Sasuke was met with the most deadliest eyes. Mitsuki, Satoshi and Menma looked at Sasuke with the puppy dog eyes. The three blushing smiling boys went closer to Sasuke.

"Pleaaaaaseee!" The boys said.

Sasuke kept his porcelain face on but sadly....he broke.

"*sigh*....okay fine...but I'm not going on any rides." Sasuke stated. Everyone cheered for the raven. The twins blasted up the stairs to go get ready. Naruto smiled at Sasuke before walking up to him.

"Thank you Sasuke." Naruto blushed. Sasuke sighed again but smiled at Naruto.

"You're welcome babe." Sasuke whispered. Naruto blushed even more then before. Naruto just pushed the raven away and walked away to get ready.

Time skip

At the amusement park

"SATOSHI WAIT UP!?" Naruto ran after his excited son. Sasuke held onto Menma's hand so he doesnt also run away while Mitsuki was prancing behind.

"Tch you're lucky that Mitsuki doesn't run around..." Sasuke said. Suigetsu felt his pride get to him and stuck his chin up.

"Hah! Ya know why? Cause I taught him how to be a good boy!" Suigetsu laughed. Karin smacked him behind the head and scoffed.

"You're such a liar! I remember Mitsuki and I teaching YOU how to behave!" Karin snapped. Mitsuki smirked at his elder brother as he walked closer to Menma.

"So which ride shall we go on?" Mitsuki said. Menma shrugged then stopped in his tracks in awe.

"Hm? What is it?" Mitsuki shaked his friend. Menma pointed at the ride as Mitsuki also gleamed in awe.

"DADDY CAN WE GO ON THIS ONE!?" Satoshi appeared out of nowhere along with an exhausted Naruto behind him.

"The spaceship???" Sasuke said.

"Yeah! It's where you go inside the spaceship and lay across the wall and it spins really fast to the point where you're stuck on the wall." Suigetsu said. Sasuke didnt like the sound of that and tried to back away slowly. Sadly he couldn't get away that easily. Menma tugged him over and jumped up and down.

"CMON DAD ONE RIDE! WITH US?" Menma pouted. Along the way there Sasuke only agreed to the ferris wheel.

Sasuke wanted to refuse but was then poked on the cheek.

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