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3rd pov

About a month and a ...


"GAHH! What was that!?" Suigetsu said as he just finished cooking lunch. Karin walked downstairs and sighed.

"Its just Naruto and Sasuke..." Karin said.

"HAH!? WHAT ARE THEY DOING!?" Suigetsu shrieked.

"Sasuke fell off the bed because Naruto pushed him off. They were only taking a nap." Karin explained, Suigetsu sighed and handed the plates out.

Not long after, Sasuke and Naruto walked down the stairs. Everyone had already ate and were quietly at the table.

"Hey!-" Suigetsu was cut off by Naruto sitting in between him and Karin. Sasuke was sitting between Orochimaru and Log who were just about to get up and leave for work.

"Whats wrong?" Orochimaru asked.


"Hows Uzumaki any better again!" Sasuke yelled, Karin made sure that the children were outside.

"YOU TWO ARE SERIOUSLY FIGHTING OVER THE BABIES LAST NAME!?" Karin snapped, Suigetsu jumped in as well.

"Yeah isn't it obviously going to be an Uchiha." Suigetsu said, Karin looked at him and pushed her glasses up.

"EXCUSE ME? Its obviously an
Uzumaki!" Karin stated, Naruto nodded while Sasuke disagreed. Soon after everyone was arguing which made Orochimaru and Log slowly get up from their seats.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK!" Everyone yelled at the two escaping.

The two pale adults smiled as they ran out of the house as fast as they both could. Everyone argued while the children heard everything from the backyard.

"So what do you think?" Menma asked his twin and best friend.

"Why should it matter? Your parents aren't married yet so either way nothing will happen until one of them proposes..." Mitsuki explained.

"Wow you're more smarter and mature then half of the adults here..." Satoshi blushed, Mitsuki smiled at the young blondes compliment.

"Why thank you...besides if Mr.Naruto was the one to birth you...I am pretty sure Mr.Sasuke is the one to propose to him." Mitsuki added.

"Yeah thats that would mean if they really do get married Mommy, Satoshi and our soon to be born sibling would all become Uchiha's." Menma said, Satoshi thought for a second before smiling like an idiot.

"Hn...or momma can propose to Daddy. Lets see...Uchiha Naruto and Uchiha Satoshi, orrrrrr Uzumaki Sasuke and Uzumaki Menma." Satoshi compared the two names. Menma rolled his eyes and sighed.

"The Uchiha twins...or the Uzumaki twins..." Menma thought out loud, Mitsuki laughed at the two confused twins.

"Well I don't really care what my last name is, as long as are family is together!" Satoshi jumped up, Mitsuki blushed at the sudden smile from the blonde.

Time skip

It was later in the day where it was usually loud. Sadly the fight stayed the same. On one side of the couch, Karin and Naruto were feeding the baby inside Naruto's stomach. While on the other side was Sasuke and Suigetsu doing their work on the laptops. All glaring at each other, they didn't notice Orochimaru and Log sneak in and slowly made their way upstairs to their rooms. Since its been months, Sasuke and Naruto decided to stay with Suigetsu instead of paying for the hotel. That means that they had all day and night to stay fighting.

Mitsuki and the twins observed the immature adults.

"They've been like this for hours now..." Menma said a bit concerned for his parents. Satoshi stared before getting an idea.

"Hehe let's teach them a lesson!" Satoshi said, the three gathered around each other.

Few seconds later

"I wonder what our new baby brother/sister will be named!" Satoshi said while holding a toy airplane, pretending to play.

"I think Uzumaki has a nice touch! I mean Uzumaki Family right?" Menma said, catching the adults attention, Menma and Satoshi pushed a bit more.

"I dont know Uchiha Family has a nice ring to it!" Satoshi stated, the two walked about a meter from the back door before turning around. The adults froze when they saw the twins red glowing eyes with a creepy smile.

"Oh you know what we should do! Flip a coin on it!" The twins said at the exact same time, with the same creepy tone. They all stood up as the twins left the house to the backyard.

"Oi what are you kids trying to pull-GAHHH!?" Suigetsu said before him, Sasuke, and Karin fell on the floor. Naruto looked down on them to find old shoe laces tied on there ankles.

"HAHAHA DID YOU SEE PAPA!" Satoshi laughed, Menma giggled as they both hid behind the bushes. Not long after Mitsuki opened the gardens gates and ran behind the bushes with them.

"How are you that sneaky Mitsuki?" Satoshi said very impressed.

"I have my Suigetsu and Karin are very dense..." Mitsuki laughed.

"...Mommy didn't learn his lesson though..." Satoshi said.

"We can get him later on tonight!" Menma suggested, the three finished there laughing before feeling a very very supernatural aura. This sinister feeling had them shaking. They all looked behind them to find Karin and Sasuke.

"GAH!? RUN!" Satoshi yelled, the three scattered but was sadly caught by Suigetsu.

"Oh you are so dead." Suigetsu said.

The three children gulped as they were dragged into the house.

At the table

"Why did you guys do that?" Naruto sighed, the three looked at one another before giving the adults the 'are you serious' look.

"Really!" Menma said.

"Yes really that was very immature of you!" Sasuke said.

"Hah! You're the one to talk! You guys have been fighting over the babies last name allllllll dayyyyyyy!" Satoshi said, the others nodded, leaving the adults speechless.

"Why should it matter? Aren't we family no matter what?" Menma asked, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and frowned.

"I guess I was acting like a child when I said they were going to be Uzumaki's..." Naruto said while Karin agreed.

"Im sorry too...we really are the immature ones here." Sasuke said while Suigetsu nodded as well.

The three kids smiled and laughed at the idiots who were the adults.

"Why don't we have an actual conversation...about the future of this family." Sasuke said to Naruto. The blonde agreed as they both walked outside to the garden.

Everyone else waited for them to finish talking and planning this throughly.

20 minutes later

The raven and blonde came back inside with their hands holding. Menma and Satoshi both looked at their parents and waited for there answer.

"So?" Menma said.

"...lets head to our room first." Naruto smiled. The twins nodded and went down the hall to their room. Sasuke closed the door and walked over to the bed.

"Well?" Satoshi said.

"Well tomorrow we have a busy schedule...we got to head to the hospital to the special doctor that's gonna help mommy check on the baby. After that...Satoshi..." Sasuke smiled, Satoshi got confused as his father kneeled down to his level.

"Shall we go and change your name?"


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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