Belongs to you...

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3rd pov

Weeks had past since the last time Menma saw his father. Naruto wasnt so bright anymore and the children took notice of that.

"Are you cold mommy?" Menma asked with a blanket in his hands. Naruto smiled and shaked his head no.

"Are you thirsty?" Satoshi said while holding up a glass of water. Naruto did the same thing and layed down on the couch. Menma and Satoshi tried everything to make their mom smile, but nothing really worked.


Sakura's pov

Its been weeks since Sasuke said anything to me about the situation. The only thing he would say to me was I'm off to work and I'm home....nothing else.

To be honest I knew he was seeing Naruto behind my back...not long ago I saw the two at a house on the porch...laughing, talking and eating with each other.

....why does he look so happy with Naruto....I want that. I want that so badly!....but....Sasuke won't let me.

"I'm home..."

I look over to see Sasuke taking off his shoes. I made sure Sarada was in her room before going into our room. Sasuke layed down on the bed and sighed. I followed him and layed next to him.

It was an awkward silence....

I cant take this anymore.

I need to-

"Is there something wrong Sakura?" Sasuke looked over to me.

"...tell me a story." I said.

"Uh....okay then what kind?"

....I have to...

"Tell me your love story with Naruto..."

I looked over to see him shocked.

"Huh?...uhm...okay well there's a lot of stories....which one?" Sasuke said with a shocked tone. I turn my head over to the ceiling and took a deep breath.

"Your happiest moment...and your end of the relationship...."

I cant look at him....but I have to know...

"Okay....lets see..."

3rd pov


"THAT'S IT I HATE THIS GAME!" Naruto said while giving Kiba the controller.

"Cmon Naruto we were so close!" Kiba said. Shikamaru got up and handed Kiba the controller.

"Welp if he gives up so am I..." the genius layed down on the couch.

"AWWW CMON!....SASUKE ONE ROUND?!" Sasuke looked at the tanned boy and shook his head no.

"Awww why not!"

"Because its 9:37 and I need to take Naruto home so his father Iruka won't eat dinner alone." Sasuke said while grabbing his coat.

"What!?" Kiba said.

"Yup! Sasuke is basically like my bodygaurd! Believe it! He even takes care for my father!" Naruto praised making Sasuke softly grin.

"Dang....Hah well me and Shikamaru are way closer then that!" Kiba said with pride. Shikamaru got up and threw a pillow at his friend.

"Tch don't make this into a competition or else Im gonna have to participate....and thats such a drag." Shikamaru whined.

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