What about her?

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3rd pov


It's been about a week and a half since Sasuke was staying at Naruto's. At times Menma would ask where was Sakura and his sister but was then was brushed off from the question.

Naruto was getting ready to go grocery shopping with Shikamaru since the twins were at school and Sasuke was at work.

"So what made you stay dude?" Naruto said while grabbing some cereal from the shelf.

"I got work delay, now I have to stay up here for an extra three days. What a drag honestly but I'm glad Kiba was generous enough to bring Shikadai home to my wife." Shikamaru said while pushing the cart around.

"Thats good...h-hey Shika....can I ask for your opinion?"

"Go ahead."

Naruto was hesitant but went for it.

"Sasuke cheated on Sakura....with me." Naruto said sadly. Shikamaru looked at him shocked but kept his cool.

"Wait I thought you were over him?"

"Yeah but...Sasuke and Sakura had an argument about sex life...and it just sort of happened!" Naruto whispered yell. Shikamaru didn't know how to react to the situation.

There was a small silence between the friends until Shikamaru spoke.

"...did you like it?"


Naruto's face went blood red and felt like he was gonna die on the spot. Shikamaru tried to calm him down until a certain voice was heard.

"Sasuke-kun is at your house then..."

Naruto turned around slowly realizing who it was. Sakura stood there with her daughter Sarada pissed. Shikamaru kept quiet in the back, not going to attempt to help.

"S-sakura-chan....y-yes he is....I'm guessing you heard all of that." The blonde said. Sakura was boiling mad but kept quiet until Naruto said another word.


"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE NOW!?" the pinkett screamed. Naruto and Shikamaru froze not knowing what to do.


"H-hes at work!" Naruto said.

Sakura then walked up to Naruto and grabbed him by the collar.

"You better fucking have his shit packed by the time I get there with Sasuke or else!"

Naruto nodded his head and ran straight to Shikamaru. Sakura stomped over to check out and left.



"I-I think I should go and pack his things." Naruto looked at his friend. Shikamaru slowly agreed.

"I'll finish your shopping..."

"Thanks Shika."

Sasuke's work

Sasuke was staring at the clock, waiting for home time so he could see Naruto. As soon as it was time, Sasuke opened the door to find Sakura....smiling.

"O-oh...uh Sakura....what are you doing here?"

"...lets go for a drive Sasuke-kun!" Sakura smiled.

"Uh....I thought you were angry with me."

Sakura felt here veins pop up but kept her cool. Instead she walked up to him and hung onto him from his neck.

"You know I can't stay mad at you babe!...lets just go for a drive....with our daughter." Sakura smiled.

Sasuke slowly agreed and was unsure if he should go with her. The two got in Sakura car and drove off....to the blondes house.

Naruto's home

"...wait what are we doing here!?" Sasuke said.

Sakura kept smiling and parked the vehicle.

"You'll see baby!" Sakura got out of the car.

"Now Sarada honey you stay in the car, mommy and daddy will go get Menma!" Sakura cheered. Sarada agreed and stayed in the vehicle.

Menma and Satoshi just got home from Shikamaru. Naruto was upstairs packing all Sasuke's and Menma's stuff.

"Mom...why are you packing up my things?" The little raven asked.

"...you and daddy are going home." Naruto said without looking at his son.

"But I thought this was home?" Menma questioned. Naruto didnt say anything, he just kept packing things.

Sakura didn't bother to knock as she and Sasuke ran up the stairs.

"SAKURA WHY ARE YOU-.....Naruto?" Sasuke said looking at Naruto who was facing his bed away from the two.

"Thanks so much Naruto-kun for telling me my husband was here! I didn't know what I'd do if I couldnt find where he was staying." Sakura lied, but Naruto kept quiet and let her have this one.

Sasuke felt his heart weaken as he looked up to Naruto.

"Naruto....you told her?...why."

Sasuke didnt get an answer, the blonde turned around and looked at Sasuke with his dead eyes as he handed Sakura the bags.

Suddenly Sakura felt one of the bags being pulled away from her.

"NO I AM NOT GOING! THIS IS MY HOME, MY MOMMY, MY BROTHER!!!" Menma said while holding his bag. He then started to spill out all his stuff. Sakura sighed and tried to pack Menma's stuff but was met with the dark cold red eyes once again.

"Sharingan!" Naruto said in his mind. Sasuke knew Sakura was scared of those eyes....especially Menma's.

Sakura backed away and brought Sasuke's luggage outside leaving Sasuke and Naruto alone. Sasuke walked up to Naruto and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Why are you doing this!?...what about all the things we did with our kids this whole time!?..what....what we felt that night.

Naruto could hug and kiss Sasuke right now but he knew damn well he couldn't . Naruto made sure his eyes were dry and looked at Sasuke dead in the eye.

"Do you mean what you felt that night?" Naruto said harshly. Sasuke's heart broke with those words as he pushed Naruto away from him and stormed out of the room before he teared up. As soon as Naruto heard the door slam shut he fell to the ground and began to cry his eyes out. Shikamaru ran upstairs to help the blonde.

Naruto hugged his friend as he continued to cry. Sato and Menma held onto Naruto's shirt and they patted their moms head.

Sasuke was silent the whole ride until Sakura asked him.

"Are you okay-"

"Im so sorry Sakura..."

"Oh....for what Sasuke-kun."

"....for leaving you....I love you....you know that I won't leave you."

Sasuke looked out of the window while tears dropped off his face. Nobody noticed it but the tension in the vehicle left their daughter confused.

"I love you..." was ringing in Sakura's head.

The funny thing is....

....she wasn't smiling for her victory at all.


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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