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3rd pov

She placed their hands together and made them intertwine.

"...W-Wait S-sakura-chan what are you-" Naruto didnt finish his sentence.

"Hey...its okay Naruto. I talked to Sasuke...I'll never love him the way you do. So....please with all your heart Naruto...take care of Sasuke and Menma  for me." Sakura smiled with tears coming down. Sasuke stayed silent, looking at Naruto who had stream of tears coming down. 

Sakura then let go of their hands and stepped aside to her car. Sasuke grabbed her wrist and pulled her in.

"Sakura....thanks for everything. Thank you for loving me." Sasuke smiled.

Sakura bowed her head down and walked away. Once she was in her vehicle she turned to her daughter.

"So does this mean I won't get to see daddy again?" Sarada said in a sad tone. Sakura shook her head and placed her hand on hers.

"Of course not sweetie! I'll make sure you get to visit once in a while....but mommy and daddy won't be able to live with each other no more." Sakura smiled while her puffy swollen eyes.

"But mommy don't you love daddy?"

"...I love your dad no matter what. But there is someone that loves daddy way more than me." Sakura said leaving Sarada confused. With that Sakura started the vehicle as she disappears.

Sasuke then turned back to Naruto who was looking at their hands. The blonde tried to let go but Sasuke firmly held his hand so he wouldn't get out of his hold.

"Naruto...are you angry with me..." Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked the other way and stayed silent. Sasuke then remembered what Naruto said.

"...was it I the only one who felt those feelings that night?"

Sasuke felt a little flinch from the blondes hand.

"...I dont expect you to fall back in love with me that easily...but please forgive me for treating you like a side lover." Sasuke apologized.

Naruto then turned to Sasuke and sighed.

"...Dont you have work tomorrow Mr.Uchiha? should sleep early." Naruto said while walking into his house, leaving the door wide open as an invitation for Sasuke to come in. Sasuke grinned and walked right in.

Menma and Satoshi heard the door shut and immediately ran downstairs. Both their faces lit up once they saw their father.

"DADDY!!!!!" The twins said at the same time. Sasuke kneeled down to their level and gave them a hug. Naruto went straight upstairs so he could think. Menma realized that and questioned.

"Dad, whys mommy so sad? This past week he's been depressed about something what is it?"

Sasuke felt the guilt hit him once he found out his blonde was so hurt.

" I'll make dinner tonight okay. How about we suprise mom with his favorite." Sasuke said making the twins beam with excitement.

The three started dinner and cleaned the house for the stressed blonde. The twins were having a blast, even Sasuke laughed a bit.

"Daddy the ramen is ready." Menma said. Satoshi looked grossed out by it.

"Ugh I dont see how you and mommy could like this Menma!" Satoshi whined. Sasuke then pulled out a batch of rice balls he had made while the ramen was boiling.

"NO WAY THANKS DAD!" Satoshi smiled.

"Ugh how can you and dad like that?" Menma mocked. Sato just stuck his tongue out at his brother before pouring a cup of water for his mother.

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