A trip to America

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Naruto's pov

Hm?....I open my eyes to see the daylight through the curtains. I looked around my now messy room....Fuck sake!?

We ended up doing it until one in the morning...he is going to die today!

Wait a minute....where the is he? I slowly sat up since I knew it was gonna hurt. I attempt to get up and stumble to the mirror.


I looked all over my neck to my chest. Filled with bites and hickeys. I held in my pain and stormed down the stairs with the blanket wrapped around my waist. I looked everywhere, the kitchen the livingroom, I peeked outside....WAIT THE BATHROOM!

I walked upstairs to the bathroom only to find teme in the tub. I stopped and slowly retrieved but sadly....he heard me. . .

"Hn and where do you think you're going?"

I slowly turned to him and immediately regretted it. You see I get very jumpy...and I blushed really fast when it comes to this asshole....I hate that its him.

"...well?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh...I-I...uhhh...I was just gonna bathe...but you're in already so I'll wait next bye!" I thought quickly and tried to step out.

Suddenly I felt a hand pull my blanket off and...


...the next thing I knew was I was in the tub as well...I feel so ashamed that he could carry me like its no challenge.

"After our bath we could make breakfast and go get the kids." Sasuke said while hugging me from the back.

"Okay..." was all I said.

As he washed my back and marks there was just one thing that was killing me.

...I-I c-could f-f-feel it!? I blushed like crazy and tried to turn around.

"Oi dobe what in the hell are you doing?" Sasuke said.

I completely turned around and sat down.

"I-I I was just...lets just wash and get out." I said.

Time skip

On the way to pick up the kids.

3rd pov

Sasuke was driving while Naruto was in the passenger seat. Naruto was looking at random spots of the road for no reason. Suddenly Sasuke spoke and broke the silence.

"...you know babe...I  know we're just starting out...but...how about a trip?" Sasuke said. Naruto's attention was easily caught by the word babe and trip.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The blonde asked.

"...How about a trip to America?" Sasuke suggested. Naruto blushed and looked down to his sweaty hands.

"W-we are not dating! We don't need to go on a trip." Naruto made up an excuse.

"What do you mean? I asked you last night if we were lovers and you said yeah." Sasuke said. Naruto thought about it carefully and remembered the events that happened last night.

"...What will we do there?" Naruto asked. Sasuke smirked and sighed.

"We will stay at a hotel and hang out with Suigetsu and the others there. Karin told me that Ino and Sai live close around there as well. Sadly the others live somewhere else." Sasuke explained.

"And so how long will we be there?" Naruto asked.

"Well....I was hoping for two weeks...I have some things from work to do there as well so..." Sasuke added. Naruto thought about it and sighed.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind going...I mean I get to see Karin, Ino, and Sai again." Naruto beamed. Sasuke rolled his eyes and parked at there destination.

Once Fugaku opened the door you could already see Satoshi, Menma and Mikoto fooling around with crayons and coloring books. Paper sketches were everywhere and Fugaku was holding a recycling bin indicating that he was  cleaning up after them.

"I see you bonded with the twins well." Sasuke teased.

"Hah you mean your mom did! Satoshi and Menma pulled so many pranks and schemes on me!?" Fugaku snapped.

Sasuke and Naruto entered and caught the twins attention.

"DADDY, MOMMY!" Satoshi yelled. They both grabbed their drawing and shoved it in their parents faces.

"Look mom its me, you, daddy, Menma, and grandpa and grandma!" Satoshi pointed.

"Look Dad its Me, You, mommy, Satoshi in a big house!" Menma said.

Naruto complimented the little ones art works while Sasuke patted both of them on the head. While Fugaku packed the boys stuff while Mikoto was talking with them about the trip.

"Hm? America!" Mikoto said.

"Yes actually we will be with Suigetsu and his family up there for two weeks."  Naruto said.

"Oh...him...well okay but I swear if that idiot does something I'll fly all the way up there and give him a peice of my mind!" Mikoto said with a somewhat failed porcelain face.

"Hm? You know Suigetsu?" Naruto asked.

"Well yeah you see, mother doesn't have fond memories with him." Sasuke said. Naruto understood and laughed a bit.

Not long after the other three walked in all packed up and ready to go back home. Everyone exchanged goodbyes as Naruto and Sasuke left with the twins.

Once everyone made it home Sasuke called in for tickets and called Orochimaru.

"So when will we tell the children?" Naruto asked.

"Hmmm....well I got tickets for a later date...so...in about two weeks." Sasuke said a bit nervously.

"Whaaaaaat!?" Naruto said shocked. Sasuke shrugged and smirked.

"Well its decided...we'll head out in about two weeks." Sasuke said. Naruto couldnt believe him at sometimes. But he knew one thing....

He was falling hard for his new lover...

Two weeks later

"Mommy daddy where are we going?...this isn't the way to the park?" Menma asked.

"Yeah also I saw you two packing big bags whats up?" Satoshi added.

Sasuke looked at the rear view mirror and sighed.

"Hm...Menma, Satoshi." Sasuke said.

"Hn?" The twins both said.

"You wanna go see Mitsuki again?" Sasuke said. Both twins beamed and tried go jump out of their seat belts.


"No...we're going to America to see him instead." Sasuke said.

Satoshi didn't get it....but Menma did.

"...IN AMERICA!?...."


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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