The kids are away. . .

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3rd pov

"Huh? Grandma!?" Satoshi asked.

"Yeah your grandmother Mikoto. She's my mother Satoshi." Sasuke said at the table. Its been about a week since Mitsuki left with his family.

"Also we have a grandfather!" Menma added. As the twins were talking about their grandparents, Sasuke walked up to Naruto.

"So while our children are gone lets go on a date." Sasuke said. Naruto continually kept cutting the same tomato over and over again.

"Tch n-no way!" Naruto blushed.

"Uhm are you okay?" Sasuke asked as he noticed the mess that Naruto was making.

"I-I am completely fine!" Naruto said. Sasuke decided to be an asshole and tease him more.

"Or...we could do something else...something way better." Sasuke whispered. Naruto was shaking with embarrassment.

"N-no thank you..." Naruto stuttered. Sasuke then licked the blondes ear and whispered again.

"Okay a date it is then." Sasuke then walked into the room where the twins were. Naruto stopped and looked down at the murdered tomato.

"Did I!?....this looks like a crime scene!?" Naruto said.

Time skip

"WHOA!? THIS IS OUR GRANDPARENTS HOUSE!?" Satoshi exclaimed as he looked at the big house. Menma stuck his nose high in the air and snickered.

"Hm! I've been here thousands of times!" Menma said proudly. Satoshi didn't care to hit his brother at this point since he was too amazed at the house.

 Satoshi didn't care to hit his brother at this point since he was too amazed at the house

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Sasuke knocked on the door as he waited for an answer. Not long after he heard footsteps then someone opening the door.

"Yes who is-...." a lady with gorgeous black hair opened the door. She had stress lines under her eyes because of age. She overall looked young considering the women's age.


"Hello mother." Sasuke greeted.

"....Mikoto!" Naruto laughed. Mikoto smiled and ran up to Naruto and hugged him.

"Its been forever! How are you?" Mikoto said.

"Im doing great..." Naruto replied.

They both let go and turned to everyone else. The beautiful raven looked down to see her grandson and another peculiar child.

"Oh um whos this beside you Menma?" Mikoto asked. Satoshi walked over to Sasuke, hiding behind his leg.

"Um...well you see-" Sasuke was cut off by his mother.

"Oh how rude of me! Come in guys." Mikoto said as she grabbed Naruto's hand.

They walked into the spacious place and sat in the livingroom.

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