little one♡

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3rd pov

Menma and Satoshi walked into the room only to find Naruto holding a blanket covering the baby.

"Mommy!" The twins cried.

"Shh mom's not so energetic yet." Sasuke stopped his boys.

"I-its...okay Sasuke, menma...Sato...come meet you baby brother." The blond said with a weak voice. The boys walked up to Naruto to find a small baby with locks of raven black hair, and had Naruto's whisker, but they were somewhat faded. His eyes are still closed but at times when the baby would squint, you would see small black orbs.

Not long after, sasuke let the others inside where the were in awe.

"Oh my goodness!! Whats his name?" Ino asked while she went closer. The blond smiled and looked down to his son.

"Kosuke...his name is Kosuke." Naruto said, everyone softly smiled. Kiba then pointed at Satoshi and Menma.

"Now ya boys don't upset my godson!" Kiba smiled, Temari wacked him across the head while hinata shook her head.

"So Naruto when are you being discharged from the hospital?" Hinata asked, the blond was barley awake but slowly answered.

"Tom..orrow..." Naruto said as he yawned, the hyuga smiled and nodded.

"Welp you guys its time that we take pictures then leave." Ino said as she grabbed Sai. Everyone stepped in and grabbed their phones to take pictures.

Time skip

Everyone left, Karin took the twins back home since they fell asleep on there father. Sasuke sat in his chair while Naruto was to his right on the hospital bed, and Kosuke was to his left in the crib. He looked at his son who was sound asleep.

Sasuke's pov

I looked at my baby boy and held his soft small hand.

..Im so happy right now...I dont know how I got to see him again...I'm glad.

I then looked to my beautiful Naruto who was knocked out from all the baby stuff.

Even though he didn't push them out, male pregnancy goes fast and wastes all your energy...especially Kosuke that was delivered way too fast. Naruto must be very tired...

I put my head next to my blond and grabbed his hand.

With that I slowly closed my eyes...

Next day

3rd pov

Satoshi and Menma both ran around the backyard with Kuma and Mitsuki. The four boys got to sleepover at Mitsuki's house while everyone else played bored games all night.

"So you guys what do you think of your new brother?" Kuma asked as they all layed down on the grass.

"Eh he's already taken away mama and papa...not cool." Satoshi said while Menma bumped him on the head.

"Baka! Of course they have to dummy! Kosuke is a baby " menma scowled, Satoshi huffed while mitsuki giggled at Satoshi.

"Well that settles it! I promise to be the best big brother I possibly can! Believe it!!!" Satoshi jumped up with a smile on his blushed face. Menma nodded in agreement as he also sat up.

Moments later, a cab came in and parked into the driveway.

Naruto and Sasuke both came out with a bunch of baby stuff. The twins ran all the way to their parents, only to be rejected very fast.

"Hey papa-"

"Hello kids, sorry we're busy right now! We got to get all these things into the room." Sasuke said very quickly. The twins looked at each other as they attempted to go to their mother.

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