Caring Father...

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3rd pov

"Moooooommm can we stop?" Satoshi said in pain.

"No! This is you and your brothers punishment for saying something rude at the dinner table." Naruto said in a disapline tone. The two twins were cleaning the hotel room from top to bottom. Sasuke on the other hand was in nothing but a really good mood.

"Oi how about after clean up we could go to some places I use to go when I was a kid." Sasuke whispered to his boys. Satoshi and Menma smiled with excitement. Naruto glared at Sasuke and then sighed.

"Well after your clean up you can go out with your on the other hand..." Naruto said but was cut off by a knock at the door. Naruto sighed before answering the door, knowing who it is.

"Naruto! Are ya ready?" Ino asked. Naruto slowly nodded and went out with Ino.

"Where's mommy going?" Menma asked.

"He has to do a special exercise for him and the baby to stay healthy, that's what we had to do with both of you...and well let's say that your mother did not like that." Sasuke said, Satoshi smiled and stood up.

"Mommy is the best trooper out there! No! Mommy is a soldier!" Satoshi said, Menma rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning.

Time skip

"Uhhh daddy where are we going?" Satoshi said while looking out of the window.

"A spot where I always went to when I was growing up." Sasuke said. The three of them got off at their destination.

"Huh? A hill?" Menma said, Sasuke nodded and started walking up it. The twins looked at him like he was crazy but followed anyways. Once they made it up Sasuke stopped in front of a tire swing.

"HUH!? Daddy you're telling me that you came all the way out of the city, up a hill just for a tire swing!" Satoshi said in shock, Sasuke smirked and sighed.

"Not really, you see when I was little the city wasn't so huge. I live in a small house near this hill." Sasuke said.

"WOAH DAD YOU LIVED IN AMERICA!?" Satoshi said, Sasuke nodded and looked at the tire swing.

"Um daddy do you mind if....we play on it for awhile?" Menma asked, Sasuke nodded, signaling them to go on. The twins both smiled and played on it. As Sasuke watched his two sons play on the swing. He couldn't help but think of the reason why that swing was so important. . .

Flashback. . .

Sasuke's pov


I heard my mother yelling, but I kept running as fast as I could away from my home. It's raining but I could go take shelter at the swing. Once I made it up I sat on the somewhat dry tire and swung myself in little circles.

My parents want to move back home in Japan but I dont wanna, because that means I would have to leave my friends here. On top of that my brother is really ill...

As I swing faster and faster I didnt realize my father coming up the hill.


I stopped swinging and looked at my father.

"Listen I know you don't wanna go back home, but that's the only way we could continue our jobs. You're about to be 13 soon, we have to man up you and I okay?"

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