Why it has to be you...

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Naruto's pov

What did Sasuke just say?

"What....do you mean teme?" I asked concerned.

"...why....why would I go back to a place where nothing gives me happiness?"

I looked at the raven very serious and a bit confused.

"Sasuke are you okay? What happened with Sakura and you!" I said in a panicked tone. He said nothing and looked away from me. I made sure my kids were upstairs before I stood my ground.

"Sasuke listen...I really am happy that you're here and that you accept our children....but Sakura needs you-"

Suddenly he lunged out to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.


3rd pov

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a shocked expression. The blonde wanted to cry so much and smile. Sadly he just couldn't feel happy that Sasuke chose him.

"No Sasuke....that's not love." Naruto said while grabbing Sasuke's hands and gently putting them down. Sasuke looked at him pissed.

"Then what is it!?" Sasuke snapped at the blonde trying to reason with him.

"Sasuke you have a wife that loves you okay! You got a daughter!" Naruto stated.

"Yeah! But I also have Menma and Satoshi!....and you! Why can't you see that!" Sasuke defended.

"Sasuke please..." Naruto stopped his sentence.

"What!?" Sasuke asked angry.

"Please stop...stop playing with my feelings." Sasuke looked at a blushed blonde that was crying.

Sasuke's pov

Huh?...playing with his feelings...I'm the one hurting him!

I walked up to the blonde who tried to run up to his room and held him. He cover his face with his hands. I slowly brought him to the couch and layed him down. I moved his hands away from his face and smiled.

"Naruto...I love you more than anything in this world....I love Menma and Satoshi. You guys are my real family..."

Even though I felt cheesy I said what I said to the dobe. He looked at me with big eyes then smiled.

3rd pov

Time skip


"Sasuke...are you sure?" Naruto said while on his bed. Sasuke took his shirt off and got between the blondes legs.

"Yes...I'm sure." Sasuke said before kissing his blonde.

"Mhp-ahh-sasu-mph!" Naruto softly moaned out the raven's name making him more excited. 

The raven kissed down Naruto's chin to his neck. He then went down to his chest and left hickeys everywhere. 

"Haa! Sasuke-ha!" Naruto covered his mouth realizing that the twins where in their room.

"Dont worry dobe I locked the door..." Sasuke said while licking and pinching  the blondes erected nipples. Naruto moaned a bit louder but still aware of the children.

Sasuke then grabbed Naruto's underwear and slowly pulled them down. Naruto didn't look because of the thought of Sasuke being grossed out from his body.

"Heh dobe don't worry...I've already seen everything." Sasuke smirked in a perverted way. Naruto slowly opened his eyes to see Sasuke also completely naked.

"The real question is...are you still tight." Sasuke licked his fingers and inserted one at Naruto's entrance.

Naruto wanted to moan so badly but then was reminded by himself and turned it into whimpers. The blonde decided to bite down onto the pillows.

"Ah-mhm-Sasuke!" Naruto cried. Sasuke then inserted a second finger making Naruto a bit louder.

"Ahh! Sasu-mph!" Naruto tried to calm himself down. Sasuke was getting impatient and turned the blonde over to doggy style.

"Sasuke w-wait!" Naruto stuttered.

"No Naruto I've been waiting for too long..." Sasuke then entered the blonde...

Sasuke's pov

Fuck...hes so fucking tight...Naruto im so happy.

Once I was in, Naruto was whimpering and gasping really fast instead of moaning. Tch I understand that he can't moan but...God I want to hear him scream my name out like the dobe he is...my dobe.

"Are you okay Naruto?" I said. The idiot looked back to me and nodded with a soft smile. He makes me feel so in love...

I started to move, thrusting in and out of the blonde.

"Ahh! Hah-ngh! Mhm! Mhm!!"

He has the sweetest voice...




"Ngh! Ah hah!"

Fuck more!


I stopped to catch my breath then pulled out after we finished and turned him over.

"Hah....you realize you're the one that's gonna clean my sheets right?" Naruto said while panting.

I nodded and layed next to my dobe, holding him.

Time skip

3rd pov

"Um...daddy I gotta question." Sato asked while taking a bite of his fried egg. Sasuke looked over to his little blonde twin and nodded.

"Were you and mom fighting? I heard small voices from the room. Sasuke almost choked on his coffee and looked up to his son. Naruto kept quiet but was freaking out on the inside.

"Yeah I heard that too! What were you guys doing?" Menma jumped in.  Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and then to their children.

"We got into a little argument! W-we didn't wanna disturb you so we did it quietly!" Naruto lied. Sasuke just nodded and continued to drink his coffee. 

"Uhh S-Sasuke! Don't you have work?...you just said yesterday that you needed to return!" Naruto said nervously. Sasuke remembered and grabbed his car keys.

"Okay well see you boys later. I'll be home after, make sure you guys have fun at school. And...don't give your Principle a heart attack." Sasuke said before heading to the door.

Naruto's pov

I looked at the raven leaving then to where he was sitting...ugh he forgot his lunch. I grabbed it and chased after him.

"Oi teme! You forgot your lunch!" I said in an annoyed voice. He then looked at me and smirked...tch he gets on my nerves.

"Why thank you my wife."

...HUH!? BULL!

"Tch you wish! You're still at square one!" I spat.
Suddenly he walked up to me....it kinda irritates me that he's a head taller than me.

"Im still at square one?....hmm didn't seem that way last night."


"Thanks for my lunch Naruto...I'll see you after work."

He then placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving.

....I dont know why I still love him...

But I only know this...I do love you.

That's why...

Why it has to be you.


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne

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