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3 days later. . .

"And there ya go!" Ino said as she snipped the white roses.

"They look really pretty, lets put them over here!" Karin said.

"Sooo....do you know what this little get together is about?" Ino asked.

"No I have no clue but he said to invite you and your family over for a nice dinner." Karin said. The two girls shrugged and continued their task. Meanwhile in the house, Suigetsu was setting up the table and Orochimaru was setting the food down. Jūgo and Sai were supervising the children.

Mitsuki, Satoshi, Menma, and Inojin were all running around playing tag. Menma wasn't really into running around a lot however was very energetic when it comes to facing his brother. Satoshi was it, so he of course played favorites and didn't go for inojin nor Mitsuki. Instead he went after his brother.

"OI THATS NOT FAIR CHASE SOMEONE ELSE INSTEAD OF ME!!!" Menma shrieked. Mitsuki stood there and giggled as they both walked inside the house. Satoshi finally got close to Menma but as soon as he was about to poke Menma he was pulled away.

"WAAAHHH!!? DAAAAAD!" Satoshi said as he looked behind him to find Sasuke holding him back.

"Cmon you two its time to eat." Sasuke said. The two pouted but obeyed anyways.

Everyone was at the dinner table eating the dinner that Suigetsu and Orochimaru had made. The order was Orochimaru at one of the end of the table. Then Suigetsu, Karin, Jūgo, Mitsuki, Ino, Sai, Inojin, Satoshi, Menma. Then finally Naruto and Sasuke were at the end of the table. Log was of course right next to Orochimaru as he ate in silence.

Everyone made small talk at first but was then talking like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly the big question came up.

"So Sasuke, Naruto what did ya want to talk to us about?" Ino said. Sasuke turned to Naruto and held his hand tight.

"...Naruto is....having another baby." Sasuke said. Everyone at the table was shocked except for Log and Sai who looked up with the smallest bit of shock.

"OH MY GOSH REALLY!?" Ino squealed.

"DANG WELL CONGRATS!" Suigetsu added.

"Huh interesting." Jūgo smiled.

Satoshi and Menma were silent until they both spoke.

"NO WAY MOMMY CANT HAVE ANOTHER CHILD! IT WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR LOVE AND ATTENTION FROM US!!!" Both twins yelled. Sasuke was still caught off gaurd that the fact that the twins can be in sync so well.

"We can talk about this with you guys later but how about you go eat outside on the picnic table." Sasuke asked the boys. They agreed and all four boys left the room.

"Okay so he's pregnant what is going to happen?" Karin asked. Sasuke looked serious and more protective than usual.

"We need your help with certain things..." Sasuke said. The raven turned to his blonde who took a deep breath.

"Listen....I still don't really know the exact reason why I have this ability...but for me as a pregnant male I got some very severe and serious rules I have to follow in order to keep this baby alive." Naruto explained.

"Yes Sasuke will mostly be doing all of this but...I also want a baby shower...so who better to ask then Ino and Kari-" Naruto didn't finish his sentence.

"WELL DO OUR BEST!" Ino and Karin shrieked. Naruto smiled at the girls and nodded.

"But back to the serious topic...I won't be able to watch Naruto all the time..so I'm putting all my trust into you Suigetsu and Orochimaru." Sasuke looked at him. The white haired man felt pressure but agreed. Naruto picked Orochimaru himself since both share this ability as well.

"I will...what are the rules?" Suigetsu asked. Sasuke grabbed his work journal and flipped to a page.


No air travel
Exercise everyday
No spicy food
Must be watched at all times
No stress, overwhelmed, violent actions targeted at the individual.
Nothing hot when cleansing.

"Hm? There's a lot of emotions..." Suigetsu said.

"Well since Naruto is different from other women he is more sensitive to certain types of things...also the rule that states observe all the time is important." Sasuke said.

"Why?" Karin asked.

"Because for males that have this ability can give birth way faster then the normal process. For the normal birth is about 9 months....for a special male..its less then 4-5 months..." Orochimaru explained. Eveyone went dead silence except for Suigetsu.

"WAIT YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU'RE GOING TO GET BIG FAST!?" Suigetsu shrieked. At the time Mitsuki was born, Suigetsu and Karin were living in Japan. Naruto nodded and sighed.

"My emotions can also lead the baby to have a weak heart...I learned that from my last pregnancy....Menma was healthy...But Satoshi almost died just because I couldn't keep my emotions stable." Naruto said.

"Okay...so as happy as you can be..." Suigetsu said.

"Then the rest is all normal pregnancy stuff. Except Naruto can't eat spicy food but he will most certainly crave it." Sasuke said.

Everyone chatted about this topic and about contacts and things like that. The baby shower will be in three months. Soon after the dinner everyone left to their places.

At the hotel

Naruto looked at the mirror and could see a very small bump ready to form. He sighed rubbed his belly and smiled.

"I cant wait until you're born my little one! You have a caring family with two brothers and a father....and me okay." Naruto smiled as he walked out of the bathroom.

The twins were fast asleep while Sasuke was reading his book. Naruto blushed and slept next to him. Sasuke soon turned the lights off and cuddled with the blonde.

"And one more rule..." Naruto said. Sasuke looked up confused.


"...When I'm pregnant....I get really...really...'excited'...you know?" Naruto said embarrassed. Sasuke was clueless but then got it.

"Ohh...like a cat in heat.." Sasuke said. Naruto slowly nodded while very flushed.

"Well don't worry my love....I'll take care of that for you..." Sasuke whispered. The raven kissed the blondes neck. Naruto flinched and hit Sasuke on the shoulder.

The raven couldn't help but smile as he cuddled his lover.

"Goodnight my dobe."


Thanks for reading.

Ja ne!

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