To the principals office

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Naruto's pov

I finally got off work and left as soon as possible. Man I need to find a higher job....maybe I'll ask my old friend and sensei Kakashi.

As I drove into the driveway of my home, I got a phone call....from the school.

"Hello, Mr.Uzumaki speaking."

"Hello Mr.Uzumaki, I am sorry that I have to inform you that Satoshi is in trouble and needs a parent to pick him up." Sato?!

"What happened!?"

"Dont worry Mr.Uzumaki, but apparently he got into a fight on school grounds at play time with another boy."

"O-oh....well okay I'll pick him up right away!"

With that I bolted to the car and drove out to get my son...

3rd pov

Principles office

Sato and Menma both sat down in chairs while the Principle was waiting for the parents to arrive. Menma had his head down and didn't speak at all.

Sato looked over to Menma and nudge him.

"Oi are you some sort of spy?" The blonde whispered. Menma stayed quiet, making Sato more angry.

"Oi I don't know who you are but you better stop spying on us!" Sato said a little louder. Menma clicked his tongue and stayed quiet.




The two boys quite down from the Principle.

Suddenly a blonde man walked inside without knocking. Sato looked up to see his angry mother.

"Mr.Uzumaki why don't you sit down." The Principle asked.

"Im very sorry Mr.Aburame but I would like to leave with my son."

"Im gonna have to disagree with you Mr.Uzumaki. we need to have a little chat with the other parent."

Naruto sighed and sat down still wearing his work clothes.

Naruto's pov

I couldnt believe it....Sato getting into a fight!?

After what seemed like an hour I lost my patience.



Tch why is Shino so formal!?

"....Mr.Aburame, I really have to be somewhere and I dont wanna keep waiting for someone who might not even show up and-"

*Knock knock*

Shino told whoever was knocking on the door to come in.

The door opened then closed, I looked over to fucking way...

3rd pov

"Mr.Uchiha, glad you can join us." Shino said while pointing over to a chair.

"Hello Mr.Aburame....Hey Mr.Uzumaki." Sasuke said while staring down Naruto.

"Tch!" Naruto said rather childish.

Sato and Menma both looked at each other, knowing there was tension in the room.

"U-um....listen me and Menma won't fight ever again!" Sato said.

"Bold of you to assume that!" Menma said.

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