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Sasuke's dream...

"Daddy!" Sato and Menma ran up to their father who just came back from work.

"Hello boys, how was school?" Sasuke said while taking his shoes off.

"School was good." Menma said.

"School was boooooorrrringggg!" Sato said while scratching his band aid on his cheek where he got hurt.

"Where's your mother?" Sasuke said while sitting down on the couch.

"He's doing laundry at the moment." Menma said.

"Okay." Sasuke got up and walked over to the laundry room to see his husband.

"Oh Sasuke you're home." Naruto said while folding the last load.

"There's my beautiful husband." Sasuke kissed Naruto on the lips.

"Sasuke! The kids might walk in!"

Sasuke didnt take no for an answer. The raven picked up the blonde and carried him to their room. He locked the door behind them.

"Sasuke....be gentle okay?"



Sasuke woke up to his alarm ringing, he got up and turned it off. Sakura wasn't in bed with him.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled from the kitchen. Sasuke got up and walked to where his wife's voice was.

"What is it Sakura?"

"Lets go out!"

Sasuke looked at her puzzled.


"Because we need alone time! I brought Sarada to your parents." Sakura said while taking off her apron to reveal her date clothes.

"I have work though..."

"Thats okay I talked to your boss!"

Sasuke sighed and nodded.

"Sure....but first let me get ready...."


Naruto's pov


It went silent.....then out of nowhere a heard of wild elephants came crashing down the stairs!?.....oh wait its my children....

"Hiiii mom!!!!" Sato said while getting onto his chair. I said hello back then turned to Menma.

"Here Menma....I dont know if you like ramen....so I gave you cereal....Sato doesn't like ramen at all heh."

....now that I think about it.....its so awkward having my other son here....but I'm happy.

"....I love ramen...but thanks....mom."



My smile got wider as I poured the milk in Menma's bowl.

"There ya go!"


Yup thats Sasuke's child alright...

"So when is father picking me up?" Menma asked.

"Hmm well he said at 5 the latest....how about he all go to the park today? I dont have any work today and its the weekends. Cmon what do you say?"

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