weddings are the last step!?

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4 weeks later

3rd pov

Menma and Satoshi were playing with little Kosuke while Naruto and Sasuke were planning their next move.

"So when do are you guys leaving back to Japan?" Orochimaru said while pouring coffee.

"Well we were thinking we would leave when Kosuke is old enough." Sasuke said as he was holding a pen and paper.

"I planned that we find our own place until we go back home. I mean we already called the school and Sasuke's boss." Naruto said, they all thought long and hard on how they can settle things up here.


Satoshi was watching his two brothers sleep, only to realize mitsuki was nowhere to be found. The young blond got up and searched everywhere.

"OI MITSUKI!!!" The little blond shouted.

He looked in the living room, bathroom, garden, even the kitchen but he couldn't find the little boy.

Suddenly Satoshi came across the basement. Satoshi wasn't too fond with the idea of going down there. Sadly he wanted to find his friend...

"Okay I'm coming down Monster! So don't scare me while I'm trying to find Mitsuki!...or ima be really mad!" Satoshi imagined, he walked down the creepy stairs into the darkness.

"I-Im not scared...B-B-B-BELEVE I-IT!" Satoshi said while shaking uncontrollably.

"I am an Avenger! Like daddy!...I am a warrior just like mommy!...I'm not a big my twin!" Satoshi said as he made it to the last step.





Satoshi ran straight up the stairs without stopping. He passed everyone else up the stairs to Mitsuki's room.

The little blond wrapped himself in the blanket, only to find mitsuki sleeping in the bed.

"MITSUKI WAKE UP THERES A MONSTER IN YOUR BASEMENT!" Satoshi shaken mitsuki up only to find the pale boy confused.

Suddenly you could hear laughing from downstairs. The two boys walked down the staircase only to find suigetsu laughing and Jūgo by the basement door.

"Huh!?" Satoshi said.

"Oh I'm so sorry Satoshi, I heard you come down and I got a little carried away!" Jūgo smiled, Satoshi felt like fainting but then was relieved that it was just Jūgo. Mitsuki giggled at the blonds stupidity which made Satoshi blush.

"I think its nap time for Sato-kun!" Mitsuki said as he grabbed his hand, leading him to the room where Menma was.

"Huh!? NO WAY THAT HAD TO BE A MONSTER!!!!" Satoshi whined as he was being dragged.

"Dont worry the only monsters here is Jūgo and Suigetsu." Mitsuki said, suigetsu smiled then realized what his little brother just said.


And so...

"Naruto?" Sasuke said as he wrote the last place down.

"...Sasuke we should go on a trip...I mean its summer time and your birthday is very soon right?" Naruto smiled, the raven thought about it and smirked at his blond.

"Yeah...where shall we go?" Sasuke asked. the blond smirked with a following wink. The raven was confused by that...

Time skip

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