Lets try. . .

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3rd pov

Everyone managed to get really good seats since the lady in the front was all over Sasuke. Menma and Satoshi were still a bit shocked from the sudden notice. Naruto immediately went to sleep and Sasuke read his book. Menma turned to him and didn't know what to do but ask.

"What are you reading daddy?" Menma asked.

"Oh its a book called what happens after band practice." Sasuke said.

"Oh whats it about?" Menma asked.

"Eh some two idiots not confessing their love easily...with music." Sasuke added.

"Hm that seems interesting."

(If ya know....ya know😏)

Time skip


The plane landed and everybody boarded off the plane. Sasuke called a taxi and grabbed their luggage. Satoshi never been out of the country before so he was excited.

"Um Sasuke do you even remember where they live?" Naruto asked.

"Yes of course....plus Orochimaru gave me directions..." Sasuke said.

Soon after the taxi came and everyone got inside they drove off. Menma didn't seems phased by it since he came over here a lot as well. As they were driving passed, Naruto spotted Ino and Sai's house about a block from Suigetsu's place.

"Wow she wasn't kidding when she said they lived around here." Naruto smiled. Sasuke nodded as they pulled into the house.

"Can you wait until I get some help sir?" Sasuke asked the taxi driver.

"Yes no problem!" The driver said. Sasuke and his family walked up to the door and knocked.

"By the way....Sasuke....did you even keep in contact with Suigetsu?" Naruto asked.

The door opened and there stood a shocked Karin.

"N-n-n-no way SASUKE!...NARUTO!?...SATOSHI, MENMA!!!!" Karin frozed.

"Hello..." Sasuke said.

"What are you guys doing here!?" Karin asked.

"Oh...didn't Orochimaru say anything?" Sasuke asked.

"No I didn't...isn't it better as a suprise?" Orochimaru walked up behind Karin.

"Kids Mitsuki is in the garden." Orochimaru said. Menma grabbed his brothers hand and leaded him through the house.

"Naruto why don't you wait here, I'm gonna head to the hotel and put our luggage in our room." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled and nodded as he entered the house. Sasuke then remembered something and walked in quick.

"OI SUIGETSU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Sasuke yelled. Suigetsu opened the door from then basement and froze.


"Just grab your shoes I'll explain later." Sasuke said as he left the house. Suigetsu still looked shocked and walked out without questioning.


"This house is nice." Satoshi said.

"Yeah uncle Log and Orochimaru are both scientists so they get a lot of money." Menma said. Once the two boys made it outside, Satoshi couldn't believe his eyes.

 Once the two boys made it outside, Satoshi couldn't believe his eyes

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