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I thought things were really going well with Jungkook. I was happy with him. We saw each other plenty of times throughout the week...well that was until we both started getting busy again.

What a coincidence that both of our groups were going on world tours that somehow overlapped. They left for their first stop and my initial thought was, "I'll just see him when he gets back."


They wouldn't be back for months. Not only that, but we would be gone when they do.

We tried calling or texting every night or whenever we could, but with the time differences and our busy schedules, we rarely had a live conversation.

I would text him and then go to sleep and he would text me while I was asleep. Then I would wake up hours later and respond, but he wouldn't respond because he was sleeping or busy.

The only time it wasn't like that was one random night I guess they had partied a little too hard. I got a call from Jungkook in the middle of the night.

"Jungkook? Isn't it late over there?" I said when I answered the call.

"No... it's not." He said, very slowly.

"Are you...okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, baby. I'm doing just fine." He mumbled, "You know, I love you so much."

"Yeah....have you been drinking?" I guessed.

"What? No! I have not!" He sounded like he just got caught.

I didn't believe him.

"Mhm." I hummed, "You're not out in public are you?"

"Nope." He says and then I hear something crash, "Ah...fu*k!"

"What was that?"

"Stupid cup!" He yelled.

I sighed.

"Jungkook, where are you right now?"

"We're in our room. 5th floor and to the right. Number 226..." He mumbled.

"We're? Is someone there with you?"

He laughed, "Jimin-hyung's here but he's tapped out on the sofa."

"Was he drinking too?"

"Who said anything about drinking?"

I sighed again, "Jungkook, don't drink anymore tonight. I want you to get some rest."

"Yeah. No more. You're right." I heard what I assumed to be him falling onto his bed.

"I have to get some rest too. Good night, don't do anything stupid." I said.

"Yep! Good night." He said quickly and then hung up.

After that night, he didn't call me again for a while. I didn't tell him about it either, I thought I'd spare him the embarrassment.

It had been months since we last saw each other and he slowly started to fade from my mind. I still thought about him, of course, but I sort of stopped worrying about him to focus on work. It seemed like he might have done the same thing as well.

More time passed and BTS wrapped up their tour after about a year. We still had a few more stops to go before we could head home.

But since they were done, they had a break which gave Jungkook more time than he had before.

He was putting so much effort into sending me cute little messages and videos, I honestly felt kind of bad I couldn't do the same in return.

The first time he messaged me, I didn't see it until four hours after he sent it.

J.JK: have a good day today I miss u

J.JK: [sent a photo]

My day was already over by the time I saw it, but he also sent a photo of himself laying in bed, hugging a plushie.

I messaged him back along with a selca I took during the sunset a few days ago.

M.SN: I miss u too

M.SN: [sent a photo]

M.SN: Get some rest for the both of us :)

After that, I would always wake up or finish a concert to his texts. I texted back as soon as I read them, but who knows when he saw my messages. It turned into a little game between us.

It was nice and I had fun coming up with things to text him, but all of this just made me miss him more.

I fell asleep thinking about him every night. I dreamt of finally seeing him again, finally hugging him again. Several nights, I would suddenly wake up in tears from dreams I can't explain, but they were always about him.

I would listen to his songs on repeat. They would help me fall back to sleep.

The day of our last show, I was so relieved and exhausted. We all were. I had fun, but I was glad we were finished.

We would head home tomorrow, but we had a long flight ahead of us.

That night, I decided to stay up late when Jungkook called me. I figured I could just sleep on the plane anyways.

"Is it true? Are you really coming home tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Mhm." I hummed, "Are you guys still on break?"

"Yeah, we still have a little more than a week before we have to go back."

I smiled to myself, "So...I guess we have some catching up to do."

He laughed, "I can't wait."

I said that, but we talked for hours on the phone, I'm pretty sure we were all caught up already.

"Hey, you know it's been about a year." He says.

"A year? Since we started dating?"

"Well that," he paused, "and since we first messaged each other on that app, Yua."

"Oh..!" I gasp, "It's really been that long? It really doesn't feel like it."

"I know..." He sighs, "Well we have to do something for our anniversary when you get back."

"Of course! We can do anything," I say, "I'll just be happy to see you again."

"Me too." I hear him moving around in his bed, "Isn't it really late over there? You should get some sleep."

Just as he said that, I started to yawn.

"You're right. I'll see you soon then."

"Good night, love you."

"I love you too."

I don't remember falling asleep that night, but I wasn't tired when I woke up.

Beyond The Screen  (J.JK x M.SN)Where stories live. Discover now