Another Day

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It was a good day. I felt amazing when I woke up because I knew Sana was coming home.

I was working when Sana and Twice landed back home. I lost track of time, the moment I realized she should be home by now, it was already almost two hours past.

She must've been tired so that's probably why I didn't hear from her. I didn't want to bother her so I just let her be until the next day.

After that day, I felt like we were meeting for the first time all over again.  After months of only speaking to each other over text or call, this felt like a breath of fresh air.

Before we met after messaging each other through that app, I had convinced myself that I'd fallen in love with someone I didn't even know. And in my own gullible way, maybe I had. But when the two of us actually found out we had already knew each other, I fell in love with her all over again. I fell so much harder and faster the second time.

I never had feelings like that for her when we were just acquaintances, co- workers, never really speaking to each other besides a "hi" or "congratulations".

I would've never imagined that she would mean so much to me.

It doesn't feel like it's been a year since this all started.

I feel like I should know what I'm doing by now, but I don't. At least not all of the time. Every relationship is different, so I don't really know how I'm doing. I mean, we're both happy, so I guess I must be doing alright.

For our first anniversary, I wanted to get us a set of promise rings. One for her, and one for me.

A promise ring isn't an engagement ring, but it is a big deal. With a promise ring, you are promising that you will take your relationship seriously. And that's what I want for us. I want her to know that I'm serious. I want our relationship to go far, as far as we can take it.

I found a real nice set after searching multiple different stores. I knew it was the one as soon as I saw it. The two were like opposites. The larger one was mostly dark with light touches and the smaller one was mostly light with a few dark touches. She's gonna be so excited.

The morning after they got home, she called me while I was getting ready and about to leave for work. I picked up her call as I was brushing my hair.

"Good morning, sunshine." I greeted her.

She laughed a little, "Morning, baby~, did you sleep alright?"

I smile to myself, "I did. And what about you? I know you must've been tired when you got home."

"Yeah, I was exhausted. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow." She says, "But sorry that I couldn't talk to you until now."

"No, it's alright, it's alright. I get it." I insist, "But since we still haven't seen each other, why don't we meet up today?"

"Okay! When works for you?"

"How 'bout around six. Sorry, I don't get off 'till later."

"No, that's okay, I get off late too. Six works though."

"Cool. I can't wait."


I knew I was home as soon as I was with him again. I forgot just what I had been missing all this time.

He was so happy to see me again, I couldn't help but smile everytime we looked at each other.

We met up and took a small trip to the Banpo Bridge. It was really beautiful at sunset.

At some point, after walking for a while, we stopped and sat down in a patch of grass.

"I have a surprise for you," He says, "but you have to close your eyes."

"A surprise? Right now?"

"Just trust me."

I slowly shut my eyes. I can feel him take my left hand and slide something over my index finger.

"Okay, you can look now."

My eyes immediately go down to my hand and I quietly gasp.

"It's a promise ring." He explains.

He pulls his right hand out from behind his back to reveal that he was wearing one too, except it was the polar opposite of mine.

"It''s beautiful." I manage to say.

He nods, "This ring is my promise to you that I will take this relationship seriously." He takes my hand again, tapping his finger on my ring, "Can you promise me the same?"

I lock our fingers and look him straight in the eyes, "I promise you, I will take this relationship seriously."

He smiles brightly before leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you so much." He whispers as he pulls away.

I lean my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you, too baby," I squeeze him tighter, "my big baby~"

He laughs and squeezes me back, making me laugh as well.

I went back to the dorm that night and a few of my members were still awake.

I walk through the living room where Jihyo, Momo, and Nayeon were watching TV.

"Where have you been?" Nayeon asks.

"Just out." I put it simply.

"With who?" Jihyo adds.

"You know the answer to that question." Momo tells her.

My members had found out about us a few weeks ago. I let it slip while the rest of them were talking about their love lives.

"Is that what I think it is??" Nayeon-unnie spots the ring on my finger.

Jihyo and Momo lean over to see what she was talking about.

"No way!" Jihyo blurts out.


"It's not what you think it is!" I say.

"Then what is it?" Nayeon asks.

"It's just a promise ring, nothing more than that." I explain.

"Oh..." Jihyo calms down, "but that's still a big deal, isn't it?"

I hadn't really thought about it, but it was a big deal. We promised each other. We promised to take our relationship seriously.

And whenever I make a promise, there's no going back for me.

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