We Dream

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I found myself snuggled up next to Sana; she was still asleep. I turned the alarm off with one hand and stayed awake in bed for a few more minutes. I'm not sure how we ended up like this, but I didn't mind at all.

Eventually though, I had to get up and get ready for work. I got out of bed as quietly as possible so I wouldn't disturb Sana. She usually leaves later than I do.

I walk into the bathroom and flick the lights on. My eyes were pointed near the floor. When the lights came on, I spotted something shiny. I squat down to try to find what it was.

In the tiny space between the counter and the wall, I found something. My hand didn't fit in the small crevice so I pulled out a comb and tried to fish it out. I pull it towards me and I realize what it is.

Sana's ring.

Her promise ring.

She had lost it months ago. I can't believe I found it.

I dusted it off before going back into the bedroom. I slowly pull her arm out from under the blanket and slide the ring onto her finger, hoping she'd find it when she wakes up.

All this time, I still wore my promise ring, even if she didn't have hers. I didn't mind that she lost it, because she promised me with her words. I never needed a ring to know how she felt about our relationship, but now, I guess the rest of the world gets to know too.

Speaking of which, we're not trying to hide our relationship. I know it's already been announced, but a lot of the times, idols will still try to be discreet about their relationships.

But Sana and I, we go out frequently and we are completely aware of the people taking pictures and pointing cameras at us. People already know, so what's the point in hiding it?

Anyways, I slept good last night since I had Sana with me. I felt extra energized in the morning.

I get a text from her later when we're both at work.

M.SN: were you the one that found my ring??

M.SN: I woke up and I had it on

J.JK: haha yeah

J.JK: I found it in a tight spot in the bathroom

J.JK: are you still wearing it?

M.SN: of course!

M.SN: and I promise you

M.SN: I won't lose it again

M.SN: I'll be extra careful

J.JK: ok baby 😊

J.JK: and I'll wear mine everyday

J.JK: I'll have to get used to it if I'm going to have to wear a wedding ring everyday someday

M.SN: wedding ring??

M.SN: I thought young, cool Jungkook didn't want to get married

J.JK: yeah but that was before
I met you, love

J.JK: I've grown up a lot
since then

M.SN: mhm

M.SN: I'll be waiting for
that day Mr. Jeon

J.JK: you can count on that

J.JK: someday

J.JK: I promise

J.JK: I love you <3

I don't enjoy worrying about the future, but this is one I can't stop thinking about. I have no idea where my life will be in the next few years, all I know is that I want Sana in it.

"What's got you smiling like that, Kook?" Jin-hyung asks me.

We were all in the practice room after wrapping up, cooling down. I was sitting against the wall on my phone.

"Hm?" I look up and the rest of them were staring at me too, "Nothing, just a funny video."

"He's texting Sana again." Jimin says.

"What? How did you-"

"We can see the reflection of your phone screen in the mirror behind you."

"So what? I'm not allowed to text my girlfriend?"

"Just finish your cool down, JK. You can text her afterwards."

The guys are always like that with me. They like to tease me. I think for most of them, it's still kind of shocking that I'm in a relationship. I've never really shown any interest in this kind of stuff until recently, so I'd understand if they were still somewhat in shock.

That, or maybe they just really like messing with me.

I remember it vividly, when I was around seventeen years old, I said something very vague on camera.

"I don't want to get married."

I don't know, maybe to seventeen year old me, I just didn't like the concept.

But that was before I had experienced a real, wholesome relationship. I had no idea what was in store for me.

I used to think I would never have time for a relationship like that. I thought it would distract me from my work, and that was the last thing I needed.

But I was wrong.

You find ways to make things work.

Things are always changing for the both of us, we just have to be flexible and work around those things.

A love like this will travel as far as you let it. It doesn't matter if we're on opposite sides of the world. Time can change how you feel about someone, but distance shouldn't.

My feelings fo Sana have changed over time. Before, my life was my life +Sana. Now she's just a part of my life. A big part, that is. Being with her just feels so natural,

I guess what the fans say is true. No Sana, no life.

I'm glad our relationship didn't mess things up with our careers. It's nice to know we still have so many people supporting us.

Most of them are rooting for us, and honestly, I am too.

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