Find My Time

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After the Music Core thing, I started talking with Sana again. I mean, we were kind of already talking before that, but we've been talking a lot more.

It's hard to catch up with each other when we both have super hectic schedules, so most of the time, one of us will send a text and then we'll usually have to wait a few hours for a response.

The only time we can have a live text conversation is late at night.

She would text me sometimes before going to bed. I thought that was really cute.

I smiled reading her messages.

I would smile, but it would quickly fade when I remembered how I felt and how conflicted I was.

Over the past few days I realized, I really like her...

I miss her.

I want to see her again.

But this is all just in my head. She doesn't feel the same way. I just know it.

She's nice to me, for sure. She makes me laugh and feel good, but she's probably like that with everyone.

I'm not special.

I might as well just keep my mouth shut. That way, I can't humilate myself and she won't feel awkward. It's best for both of us.

I'll gladly stay friends with her.

Sana: Jungkook-ssi, I saw your new music video! I liked the new concept

Jungkook: oh, thank you :)

Jungkook: we worked hard on it

Sana: hey, when's the next time you think you'll be free?

Jungkook: uh...

Jungkook: I think we're supposed to have a short break in a few weeks

Jungkook: why?

Sana: oh, I was just wondering

Sana: I wanted to go to myeong-dong but none of my members want to go with me and I don't want to go alone..

Jungkook: oh I see

Jungkook: I'd love to go with you

Sana: really?

Jungkook: yeah!

Jungkook: I just need to check my calendar to make sure

Sana: wow thank you!

Sana: I didn't think you'd agree to go with me haha

Jungkook: why? It sounds fun

Sana: idk I just thought you'd be busy or you'd want to use your time off for something fun

Jungkook: myeong-dong is fun

Jungkook: you're fun

Jungkook: so why not?

Sana: :) thank youuuu

Sana had asked me to go to myeong-dong with her. Myeong-dong is basically a shopping district in Jung-gu.

Personally, I like shopping. I don't ever really shop for specific items, I just go with an idea in my head and buy whatever catches my eye. It's more fun that way.

I didn't realize it when she asked me, but this is a date...

It's just going to be the two of us.

It'd be a perfect time for me to confess my feelings to her, but I already decided that I wouldn't say anything. Ever.

Just pretend like nothing's wrong. We're just friends.


I was looking forward to going to Myeong-dong with Jungkook. He's always fun to be around.

I sort of made up an excuse just to ask him. I didn't actually ask any of my other members. I just said that so it would be a bit less awkward.

But it shouldn't be awkward! We're friends. Friends do things together. It's completely normal!

So why do I feel so much pressure..?

It's not like it's a date. Is it? Oh my gosh, did I accidentally ask him on a date?

Ah...I've never done this before. I had no idea.

He didn't find it weird that it was just going to be us, and no one else?

I'm the one who asked and I feel weird myself.

It's okay, it's Jungkook we're talking about. He's cool. It'll be fine.


I keep contradicting myself. I told myself that I wouldn't say anything, but when will an opportunity like this ever come up again? This just got serious.

If I don't do anything now, I may not get another chance to change my mind.

Maybe...I'll just see how things go when we're there, and if things are going well and if the time feels right, maybe, just maybe, I'll tell her.

But I shouldn't just go in without a plan.

She said we'll probably grab lunch while we're there, so if things are going well, maybe I'll tell her during or after lunch. That seems to be the most practical time. That way, we're sitting down and we'll have more time together afterwards.

But how should I do it.

Just go for it? Or should I hint at it, and see if she catches on?

Forget it, I'll just be honest.

I'm not even gonna think about what to say because I want it to come straight from my heart in the moment.

Let's just hope I won't regret it later.

But it's Sana! She rarely feels negative towards anyone. She's not one to hold a grudge, unless you somehow get on her bad side, and that's really hard to do.

If she doesn't feel the same, she'll probably be nice about it and just tell me the truth, and then I'll have to live with that.

Everytime I went to bed, I couldn't help but wonder.

Does she think about me every night before she falls asleep, like I do?

Does she see me like I see her?

I'll never know unless I tell her.

Let's just hope that'll be soon.

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