Missing Pieces

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I haven't told anyone about the app I've been using, but I've been using it a lot recently. Instead of playing games on my phone, I explore the app some more.

It's really interesting actually. I've read articles and heard stories about this app. Some people have met their spouses on here. I wonder how far most of these users are willing to go with this program.

I've been messaging with Yua again and I don't know...something about her just seems so familiar, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

I brought it up one day when we were chatting.

Justin: we've never met before, have we?

Yua: don't think so

Yua: I've never met anyone named Justin before you

Justin: oh right

I forgot that she doesn't know who I really am. Smooth, Kook.

Justin: I guess you would remember if you did

Justin: What's your surname, noona?

Yua: sorry but I don't think I'm comfortable enough to share that with you just yet

Justin: oh ok...I understand

Yua: don't take it personal

Justin: no, I totally get it

Justin: we're still pretty much strangers

Justin: we've never met in person and we don't even know what each other look like

Yua: it's strange

Yua: talking to you I feel like I've known you my whole life

Justin: yeah...

Justin: I really want to get to know you but that's kind of hard to do like this

Yua: yeah

Yua: I'm sure you're a good person

Yua: but these days we can't be risking anything, you know?

Justin: I do

Justin: but...if you're comfortable with it

Justin: can you please at least describe your appearance to me..?

Justin: I'm sorry, I'm just so curious I can't stop thinking about it

Yua: well...if I do, then you have to do the same thing

Justin: deal

Yua: okay

Yua: well, I'm 165 cm tall, I have medium length hair...

Yua: brown eyes, and my skin is pretty light

Yua: I think that's all I'm going to say for now

Yua: your turn

Justin: alright alright

Justin: I'm 177 cm tall, I have dark full hair, brown eyes, pretty broad shoulders...and my friends tell me I have a baby face

Justin: and that's all for now

Yua: you sound like a main character in a drama

Justin: well maybe I am

Justin: I guess you'll never know

Yua: that's the problem

Justin: ?

Yua: this just frustrates me bc I really want to know you

Justin: well...

Justin: we're both adults, aren't we?

Justin: we can arrange something if you really want to meet

Justin: It's just up to you to decide if you trust me or not

Yua: do you trust me?

Justin: I do

Yua: how can you trust me just like that? We barely know anything about each other

Justin: it's like...

Justin: you know when you're in line somewhere, and you ask the person behind you to save your spot while you go do something real quick? You just trust that they're a good person

Yua: that's a weird comparison but I think I get what you mean

Yua: but I don't know

Yua: just give me some time

Yua: I still need to think about it

Justin: okay

Justin: but whenever you're ready, I think I'm ready to meet you in person

After that conversation that day, I thought about what I said.

Am I really ready to meet Yua in real life?

How would we do it? My face is very recognizable and what am I supposed to say about the name?

Maybe we shouldn't meet in person after all.

But I really want to make friends.

Maybe she won't care that I'm Jungkook of BTS. Hopefully, we can just talk like we do on the app.

I just hope she'll come around to trusting me. She's the first friend I've made out of the industry in a long time.

We first started messaging about a month ago. Even if I have no idea what she looks like or how she sounds, I feel like I can hear a voice in my head as I read her messages.

Why do things have to be so complicated...

I miss being younger. Like in school, you could just walk up to anyone and talk to them and no one would think anything of it.

But now I have this image, this persona that I have to maintain. There's always someone watching over my shoulder, monitoring my every action.

Sometimes I wonder what I'd be doing if I was never an idol.

But then I remember how much joy this job brings me. I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Sure, there are some things I regret, and some things I wish I couldve changed in the past, but what happened happened. There's no point in sulking over my mistakes when I can learn from them for a better future.

Yua is always on my mind now. From what she said she looked like, I can now imagine better ways of how she looks.

I know, I know. I told myself I shouldn't do that, but I can't help it. I wonder what she thinks I look like.

What if we meet, and she doesn't want to be friends anymore? I don't want my job to scare her away.

Again, hopefully she doesn't freak out and we can just be normal friends.

I toss and turn in bed at night.

Why do I think about her so much?

It's because there are so many missing pieces, and I want to uncover them all.

That's what I'd thought.

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