Look Here

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I'm sure we're all familiar with the music TV program, Show! Music Core. They air new episodes every Saturday. They have performances and awards for the top charted song for each week. It's pretty similar to most other music TV award shows if you ask me.

Last week, my manager told me that I had got a call from the Music Core producer. They invited me to be one of the hosts for next week's episode.

I checked our schedule, and I was free to record during their time.

"If I'm going to be an MC, who else is doing it with me?" I ask my manager.

"Ah..." she thinks back, "I believe they said that Kim Saeron....BTS' Jungkook...and someone else had already agreed to be MCs too."

I nod, "I'll do it. It sounds fun."

I haven't been an MC for many events, but I figured that since I knew Saeron and Jungkook, it shouldn't be too bad.

If I was doing it alone, that would be a different story. The scripts they give the hosts are sometimes embarrassing and I don't think I could be entertaining on my own.

I smiled thinking about Jungkook, and then I stopped myself.

I pictured his smile...and then I smiled...

Why...did I do that?

I shake my head.

I must've just remembered how funny it was when we met at that cafe a while back.

Yeah...that was it.

I kept saying that, but I felt like I was lying to myself.

I couldn't sleep that night.


A few weeks ago, the producer from Show! Music Core called our agency and invited me to be an MC for an episode.

My manager accepted the invite right away. It's typical for them to accept requests like this these days. They like the publicity.

They said I was the first one they invited, but they were also going to invite three other people.

I was curious, but I didn't ask who.

A few days after that call, I received the draft script and found out I was going to be an MC with Kim Saeron, Kim Minjae, and Sana.

I gulped when I saw Sana's name on the script.

I flipped through the script and I immediately regretted accepting the invite.

Oh no...this is just another chance for me to embarrass myself in front of her.

My lines were just so...cheesy! The main skit we were doing...I didn't like it. Whoever wrote the script must be a child.

But I can't back out of it now, I already said yes. It's too late to change my mind.

All of BTS will be attending this show anyways. Great...that's more people got me to embarrass myself in front of.

If Sana is going, that means Twice might be there too.

What's up with me? I never get nervous about things like this. I've performed in front of thousands of people over and over again, why am I nervous about a few hundred?

This isn't like me. I let my feelings get the best of me and take control.

As the day got closer, I just got more and more anxious.

I imagined the scenario in my head countless times, but who knows what will actually happen.

The show producer gave us more details before the recording. They made a few changes to the script and stuff like that.

I rehearsed my lines in front of some of the guys to get their feedback.

"You're being too awkward." Jin-hyung was straightforward.

"Make eye contact, but not too much. Pretend I'm the camera. Make eye contact with the camera and the audience behind it." Namjoon-hyung told me.

I wanted the skit to feel natural, so I tried not to focus too much on small details and movements.

There was a part where I had to sing a few lines. I made sure to memorize that part.

The day of the show, we were riding to the venue. All of the guys had their stage outfits on, but I was the odd one out. I had to wear a bright orange striped shirt.

I had memorized all of my lines so I just kept repeating them in my head.

We had to go separate ways when we arrived. The guys went towards the stage door while I headed backstage.

I found where we were supposed to meet and Saeron and Sana were already there.

"Hi, am I late?" I greeted them casually.

"Right on time." Sana smiles at me.

Minjae arrives a few moments later. We were able to run through most of the script together before the broadcast started.

To be completely honest, I don't really remember what happened during the show. It was all a blur to me.

All I could recall was the introduction and a few other small bits.

I remembered my heart was racing when I had to sing, how I wanted to punch the camera at the end when they made me call myself "oppa".

I thought back, trying to recall what happened.

I remembered that I looked at Sana whenever there was awkward dialogue. Looking at her made me feel like we were just having a normal conversation...and it made me a bit more comfortable.

I almost forgot that I shook hands with her. It was so awkward...

I avoided eye contact with her because my heart was already beating so fast. If I looked into her eyes then, I probably would have had a heart attack.

I had to do some aegyo and there was some lovey-dovey stuff...I'd rather not talk about it.

After the show, I wanted to talk to her, but Twice had to leave right away.

I was reunited with my hyungs after the show as they teased and poked fun at me.

"Your voice was so shaky! What happened?" Hobi chuckles.

"And who are you to call yourself 'Jungkook oppa'?" Yoongi-hyung teases me.

"Whatever. I didn't write the script." I retort.

"You did good." Tae slaps my shoulder.

"You did better than I would." Namjoon shrugs.

I didn't want to talk about it. It was so embarrassing.

I shouldn't have accepted the invite.

But...if I didn't...there would have been someone else on stage with Sana, instead of me.

Things could've gone better, but maybe I don't completely regret it anymore.

It happened and it's over. That's all that matters.

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