Stay With Me

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I woke up with a terrible headache. I could barely open my eyes. I couldn't move my left arm. Something on my face stung.

I finally built up the strength to turn my head and someone was standing there in the corner of the room.

"Joon-hyung..?' Even my voice felt weird.

"Hey, JK." He walks over to me, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel...strange. What happened?" I really couldn't remember.

"Must be symptoms of your concussion." He sighs, "You were in a car accident."

Right as he said that, it all came back to me. I was driving home with Sana, it was pouring rain, someone must of hit us.


"Where's Sana?" I ask.

"That's the thing, Kook..." He trails off.

"What? Is she okay?"

I started to worry.

Just then, the rest of my hyungs join us.

"Hey, Jungkook."

"JK! You're awake!"

"You're okay!"

But Namjoon didn't answer my question.

"Is she okay?" I had to ask him again. I didn't mean to ignore them, but I needed to know.

"She's alright-"

"Can I go see her? I have to see her-" I start to sit up.

"Jungkook." Namjoon puts his hand on my shoulder, "Stay down. You have to stay here."

It was silent for a moment, all my hyungs looked at me, concerned.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, but they told us you can't see her right now." Joon explains.

"So when can I?"

They exchange worried glances.

"Not for a while."

I just wanted to see that she's okay. Later, I learned that our companies didn't want us to see each other for a while. Things were bad out there right now.

Basically, people know that we're dating; they revealed it when they put out a statement about the crash and our conditions.

But what's worse is that some of our fans started blaming her and some of her fans blamed me, when in reality, it was neither of our faults.

I didn't even want to look at all the comments on our companies' statements.

*****: If they weren't dating this never would've happened

*****: It's obviously Jungkook's fault. He was the one driving.
*****: It's not his fault. I bet Sana distracted him and made him crash.

*****: What were they even thinking being out so late in this weather?
^****: the statement said they were heading home from somewhere.

*****: Jungkook is hurt and he's going to have to sit out for a while. I blame her.
*****: They're both hurt. If they were dating, do you really think either of them meant to hurt each other?

Someone explained to me that a car ran the red light and hit right on my driver's side door. It pushed our car across the street and we hit a metal post with the passenger side door. Hit on both sides.

I was upset because I wasn't allowed to see her. They let me text her, but she hasn't responded yet. I wonder if she's even allowed to contact me. They told me "she's okay" but I don't know anything about her condition. She could be unconscious for all I know.

I on the other hand, I broke my left arm, scratched up my face, and got a concussion. I was hit pretty bad, but the outcome could've been a lot worse. I just hope Sana's doing better than I am.

I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. Jimin was nice enough to get info from Mina on how Sana is doing.

They said she had a few fractured bones, whiplash, cuts and bruises, thankfully nothing too serious.

"She wants to see you just as much as you want to see her." Jimin told me.

I tried to reason with our staff, but they wouldn't give in.

"Can I see her when we both get out of the hospital?" I asked.

"No. I'm sorry, but you two cannot see each other anywhere, at all, until we get an update."

And of course they had no idea when that update would be. They really can't make any exceptions? It's not fair.

Late at night, I couldn't sleep. I laid awake in the hospital bed; I couldn't fall asleep with all the lights and the noise.

My phone suddenly buzzed on the table beside my bed. I picked it up right away. It was a few texts from Sana, replying to the text I had sent a few hours before.

J.JK: hey love, I'm at the hospital right now, probably like you are. Jimin told me you're staying at a different one tho. I'm ok, just a few injuries. I'm sorry we can't be together right now, but how are you? Everything alright?


M.SN: I'm doing alright

M.SN: sorry, I only got my phone back just now

M.SN: I'm so glad you're ok

M.SN: things are messy right now, but all I can think about is you

M.SN: It wasn't your fault

M.SN: Please don't be mad at yourself, you did everything you could

M.SN: I love you so much

I don't know why, but I started to tear up reading her messages. I could almost hear her voice. Why are we being punished for this? Do they think we're bad for each other? Do they think this is our fault, that our relationship is what caused this?

Maybe if we hadn't ran to the car in the rain, the car that hit us would've passed and we would've been safe. Maybe if I didn't slam on the breaks and just kept going, we would've gotten out of the way in time and none of this would've happened.

But it's too late now.

Beyond The Screen  (J.JK x M.SN)Where stories live. Discover now