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My eyes slowly blink open, my eyelids felt heavy. Something was holding me and I found myself holding back.

I finally came to my senses and realized where I was. I was sitting in Jungkook's apartment after we had dinner and watched a movie together. We were on the couch and the TV was still on, so we must have fallen asleep sometime ago.

I had my arms wrapped around one of his arms. His other hand was holding my shoulder, gently pressing me into his chest.

I was awake, but I stayed still for a while. This was nice. He was still peacefully sleeping and I didn't want to wake him. I could tell he was dreaming about something. He would make little noises in his sleep. I never heard him like that when we slept at night.

At some point, he flinched himself awake and startled me at the same time. I sat up to look at him. He stretches his arms and rests his hands on his head.

"Hi." I laugh.

"What happened..? I don't even remember falling asleep." He rubs his eyes.

"We both fell asleep." I say, "I didn't realize how tired I was."

I glance at the clock on the wall. It was really late and I needed to be back with my group before we leave tomorrow morning. I was originally planning on going back to my dorm after spending time with Jungkook.

"I should get going. Thanks for dinner, I'll see you tomorrow." I kiss his cheek and start to get up, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back into a hug.

"Don't go," He whined, "You really can't stay? Just for tonight?"

I thought about it. We're not leaving until about eight tomorrow morning. We have to be ready by seven thirty. I guess I could sleep over and leave here around six-ish.

"I guess I can stay, if you really want me to." I give in.

"I want you to stay with me...please."

"Alright," I stand up, "But we should get to bed already. You're gonna be exhausted tomorrow if you don't sleep now."

I had some of my clothes and things at his place already since I stay with him out of the blue like this often.

"I'll go to sleep, but only if you sleep right next to me."

He fell back to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I fell asleep, but it felt like I just blinked my eyes and it was time for me to get up.

I washed up and got dressed quietly. Before I left, I left a note on his desk and kissed him goodbye.

On our way to our next scheduled activity, I was in the car with Mina and Jihyo.

"So everything good with you two?" Jihyo asks Mina and me.

Jihyo always checks up on all of us like this.

Mina nods.

"I'm doing good." I say.

"How are things with you and Jungkook, Sana?" Jihyo asks.

"Oh," I almost forgot that they knew about us, "We're all good now. I lost the promise ring he gave me, but he wasn't upset or anything."

"You lost your ring?" Mina looks at me.

"Yeah...sadly. I looked everywhere for it, I just couldn't find it." I explain.

"That's good he wasn't upset though." Jihyo says, "What about you, Mina? Everything alright with Jimin?"

Did I hear that right?

"Eh? Mina, you're seeing Jimin?"

She laughs nervously, "Oh...I thought you knew...We started going out a few weeks ago."

"That's so cute!" I couldn't help but smile, "You two are honestly great for each other."

Mina looks away, all shy, "Things are going good. He actually asked me to be his girlfriend a couple of days ago."

"So you're official now?" Jihyo asks.

"I guess we are." Mina smiles to herself.

I remember how excited I was when Jungkook asked me to be his girlfriend. Even if things didn't work out in the beginning, I was happy he was still willing to work things out with himself and with me. I'm glad we're more than friends now.

He means everything to me. He doesn't have to say it for me to know that he cares about me.

It was already late when I got off of work, but Jungkook really wanted to go out together.

He drove us to the Han River and we walked around under the stars. The water was beautiful at night.

We were on our way back to the car when it started raining. Neither of us had an umbrella or hoods.

"Come on, come on!" Jungkook grabs my arm as we make a run for the car.

We made it inside, shutting the doors behind us.

He giggles, shaking his hair dry, "Sorry. Guess I should've checked the weather forecast before we left. No wonder there was no one else out here."

"It's okay, I kind of like the rain." I say, "I just...don't like thunder."

"Then let's get you home before the storm gets worse."

The rain was so heavy, we had the windshield wipers going off constantly. Jungkook drove slower than usual because it was so hard to see.

We were waiting at a stop light. The lights were so bright, we could see the colors clearly through the rain. The light turned green and we started going.

"Almost home." Jungkook taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

A blinding light suddenly burned through the driver's side window. Jungkook slammed on the breaks, but it was too late.

The sound of glass breaking and metal crushing is engraved in my mind. I couldn't move in that moment. The smoke from the airbags deploying filled my eyes and my lungs. I let it all take over me and slowly closed my eyes.

I had no idea what was going to happen, all I knew was that it hurt less this way.

Beyond The Screen  (J.JK x M.SN)Where stories live. Discover now