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Jungkook and I will be getting married in just a few days. We've been working on getting all the documents and papers ready for the big day. We just need to have our marriage recognized and then we're set. We'll finally be married,

Just the thought of it makes me smile.

I love Jungkook so much. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else.

I wish there was a word stronger than "love" to describe how I feel about him. One word just isn't enough. I've never met anyone just like him.

With a new chapter of our relationship coming, I start to recall how this all started. We were acquaintances in the music industry and that was kind of it. That was, until I decided to use that social app on a random night. Back then, I had no idea it was him I was talking to, but now that I think about it, it sounds exactly like him. We've been through some rough patches, but so does everyone else. No relationship is perfect. If you get through those bumps, it'll just make you stronger.

I'm sort of grateful I got to be with someone who is also an idol. You see, in this job, a lot of people want to be your friend. I never could have imagined myself dating someone who was just a fan or something. Being with someone who's also an idol is ideal. That way, they appreciate who you are off stage and they can relate to the things you do. Plus, now we have no problem with the long-distance thing.

Even if I think about Jungkook in a non-romantic way, I can still see he is a good person. He's amazing. He works so hard and he's grateful for everything he has. Anyone who says otherwise obviously doesn't know him well enough.

I don't think I ever had romantic feelings for Jungkook until after we met in person after chatting on that app. I think it was because I imagined being close with whoever was behind the screen. I made up this fantasy in my head, like the ones you see on TV. That's the thing about our minds: sometimes, they don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, so they have no choice but to believe both. I believed that we had something together. I believed that until it was real, and now we're here.

When did I realize Jungkook felt the same way, you ask?

When he told me.

And I'm so glad he told me. It would've taken me a lot longer for me to confess my feelings for him. I'm not saying I wouldn't have, it just probably just would've taken me a long time to build up the courage.

I can't imagine our relationship working out any differently. Even if we started off kind of rough, I think that taught both of us some important values.

We have a strong relationship. There's no doubt about that. I have a feeling it'll only get stronger as time goes on.

Jungkook likes to talk about his hopes for the future sometimes when we can't fall asleep at night. We share these thoughts so easily, but the future scares me sometimes.

It's not the state of relationship that scares me, it's more of the change. I don't mind change, but I don't want anything to change for the worse. I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone I care about, but we all know we can't live perfect lives.

Things are bound to happen. Like the car accident. No one can predict things like that and you can't live your life in constant fear.

It's not everyday you find a connection like this. We've come so far. I can't remember feeling like this with anyone else but him. That's what's so special. Sometimes I forget that he's the love of my life. Sometimes, I feel like a kid with him when we're just messing around and having fun. And then I realize, this is the person who's been with me through it all. We have this mutual connection through our struggles and our reliefs. We both have hard times, but in those moments, it's easier to make someone else feel better than to cheer yourself up. 

The best part is that I know he cares about me. He doesn't have to tell  me, but he shows me everyday. We never say it in words, but I know we both care about each other and we're both constantly trying to repay each other for the things we do. 

"Are you coming to bed, love?" Jungkook's voice snaps me out of my daydream.

"Hm?" I snap back to reality, "Oh, I'll be right there."

"Okay..!" He yawns, falling back onto the bed, "Don't take too long."

I continued what I was doing, washing up before heading to bed. Walking around this apartment suddenly felt different to me, thinking about how Jungkook used to live in this apartment by himself. Now I'm here and it's strange when I'm not. 

I turned off the lights before joining Jungkook under the blankets. 

"Are you ready? Are you excited?" He whispers, facing me in the dark.

"Mhm." I scoot closer to him, "I can't wait. We've been waiting so long for this. We're gonna be official."

He laughs softly, "We've been official for a long time, babe."

"You think so? When was that? When  our relationship was announced to the entire world?" I ask, sort of joking.

"No, I knew we were official when I had the courage to ask to be your boyfriend. I thought we were moving too fast back then, but it all worked out, didn't it?"

My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see him smiling at me.

"It did." I play with his hair, "It worked out perfectly."

"I promise I'll always love you, Sana." He says suddenly.

"I'll love you 'till the day I die, Jungkook."

He chuckles to himself,

"Then we're in this together."

Beyond The Screen  (J.JK x M.SN)Where stories live. Discover now