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Twice would be leaving today and we would be doing a lot of traveling in the next few weeks. We wouldn't be home for a while. I was hoping work would get my mind off of things and maybe ease my stress a bit, but it sort of made it worse.

I was worried about leaving Jungkook, but he assured me he would be okay.

"It's just a few weeks." He said, "I'll be alright. I'll be right here when you get back."

I made him promise to text me often and call at least once everyday unless something comes up.

Maybe this was a good thing.

I need to learn to stop worrying about him all of the time.

He's talked to me about it recently, but he said he needs to learn how to feel safe on his own again.

Maybe going away for a while will help us both.

Still, I was going to miss him.

He said he was going to be alright, but I had a feeling he was just saying that to make me feel better. This wasn't going to be easy for either of us.

Sure, we've done this before, but after what happened, things are different now. I'm not the same person I was back then.

I say goodbye to Jungkook in the early morning before I leave.

"Stay safe. I'll be thinking about you." He says.

"I will." I sigh, "I'm going to miss you."

He hugs me, stroking my hair.

"Don't worry about me too much." I say, "I'll be back before you know it."

He breaks a faint smile, "I know, but still...I just...I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby."

I fell asleep on the plane and when I woke up, we were in a different time zone. When we travel like this, my sleep schedule gets thrown off so much, I just sleep whenever my body can't go on anymore. Except when we have plans, then I sleep before that, even if I'm not tired.

When I checked my phone before I bed, I had a few messages from Jungkook.

J.JK: I miss u already

J.JK: hope u made it safely

J.JK: the house is so quiet without u

J.JK: [sent a voice message]

I clicked "play" on his voice message and turned up my volume.

It was a clip of him singing. He sounded tired, but I found his sleepy voice cute. He ended the short clip with "Love you" which made me smile.

I messaged him back.

M.SN: I love your voice so much

M.SN: [sent a voice message]

We spent the next half hour sending voice messages back and forth, making each other laugh. I guess we could've just called each other instead, but this was fun too.

He was all I could think about when I fell asleep that night. I pictured his face when I replayed his voice messages in my head. I already missed him. I really hope he's doing alright.

I woke up, startled in the morning.

"Pst, jagiya, over here."

Beyond The Screen  (J.JK x M.SN)Where stories live. Discover now