All My Love

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Everyone was excited when we told them the news. I was as happy as can be. Something inside of me just felt complete.

They were all asking us the same question: When's the wedding?

We told them we haven't decided yet, but to be honest, Sana and I talked it out over a few nights and we came to a decision. We wouldn't have a ceremony. We just wanted to be married. We didn't see the point of having a huge ceremony when neither of us really wanted one.

A small gathering between friends and family would be nice, but we didn't want anything extravagant. I'd be happy even if it was just us two.

Nothing felt too different to me. We're engaged now, that's all. I mean, it's a big deal, but it's not like I only started loving her until now. I've always loved her. I guess we've just been in love long enough to be engaged now.

I thought my proposal was pretty clever. Her ring didn't go missing. I took it in the morning before she left for work. I felt guilty for making her feel bad about losing the ring, but it was with good intentions.

I actually had the engagement ring for a while, I was just waiting for the right chance to do it. By "do it" I mean steal her ring so I could setup my whole act. I think it played out pretty nicely.

We didn't want to announce anything to the public just yet, but I'm sure when they see both of us wearing rings that look a lot like wedding rings, people are gonna start speculating on that.

I'd like to keep things a bit more private, but if people find out, they find out. It's not a big deal.

A lot of people actually don't get married until they're a bit older. We could've waited, but I thought, why not? Right? I've known some people who dated their significant other for ten years or more before they got married. I don't know, I just went for it I guess. The idea just made me so happy. She just makes me so happy.

I'm proud to be Sana's boyfriend, er, fiancé now I guess. Like, whenever I see her performing with Twice or doing anything amazing, I can't help but smile. Like, I can't believe that's my girl.

I'm so lucky to have Sana in my life. She's done so much for me, it only feels right for me to pay it forward.

I still get nightmares every now and then, but the doctor said those are normal. My PTSD still lingers though. Every once in a while, something will trigger something in me, but I know how to deal with it now. You just learn how to live with it.

Much like the opinion of the public and our fans. Some love seeing us together, some don't, and some just don't care; they're neutral about the whole thing. I love seeing our fans being happy for us, but the opposite doesn't really bother me anymore. Yeah, it's bad and it shouldn't be happening in the first place, but what can you do. As long as we're happy, that's all that I care about.

Our companies found out about the news and they agreed to keep quiet about it. For the most part, they agreed it was better that way. Whenever someone in our group makes a big announcement like this, it's a stressor for all of us. All of a sudden, there's more eyes on us and we have to be extra careful. That always made me nervous.

I woke up for work one morning, Sana had already left. I was getting dressed when I noticed something sitting on the dresser. It was Sana's engagement ring. I pick it up and tuck it in my pocket so I could give it to her when we meet up for lunch later. I put it somewhere safe while I worked.

We met up at a small restaurant in the afternoon for lunch.

"Hey, baby." Sana approaches me.

"Hey, love." We meet in the middle and I give her a hug.

After we got inside and ordered our food, I remembered the ring.

"I think you forgot something this morning." I say.

"I did? What did I forget...?" She tilts her head.

"Something small in size but it means a lot to us...? Does that sound familiar?"

She pauses, "I...I have no idea what you're talking about."

I pull the ring out of my pocket and hold it out in front of me, "I found this on the dresser this morning."

"Oh!" Her expression changes, "I thought I told you already. I guess I forgot that too."

"Told me what..?" I ask.

"My company doesn't want me wearing the ring during variety shows and interviews and stuff like that. I can wear other rings, just not that one I guess. I don't know how that makes sense, but I have to do what they say." She explains.

"Oh..." I let my arm down, "I didn't know."

"I'm sorry, love, I know. I wanna wear it too, and I will wear it when I'm allowed to." She puts her hand on mine, "I'm sure this is just temporary. And I can still wear my promise ring even if I can't wear this one."

I nod, "It's alright. Yeah, it's okay."

I said it was okay, but I was kind of mad at her company. Like what? She can wear other rings, just not that ring? Makes no sense.

I wasn't gonna argue about it though. I wasn't gonna let it bother me too much.

Things just can't be easy for us ever, huh. Whenever I think something's gonna work out fine, something else always comes and catches me off guard.

All that is just the price to pay for being famous. But things are different now.

If I'm gonna be famous for something, I'm gonna be famous with her.

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