Take Me Home

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This was sort of a last minute decision, but Jungkook and I are going out to Busan to visit his family. We bought the rail tickets a few days ago and we'd be leaving tomorrow morning.

This isn't the first time I'll be meeting his parents, but it's the first time I'll be seeing his parents' house, where he grew up. Jungkook says he tells his parents about me all of the time and that they really like me. I think I made a good impression when we first met, but I had no idea they liked me that much.

"My parents will be happy to see you, especially after what happened. When I was in the hospital, they came to visit me, but they were worried about you too." Jungkook told me.

Still, for some reason, I was nervous about seeing them again.

Maybe it's because so much has changed since the last time I saw them. So much has happened.

We woke up with our things all packed and ready to go. We'd be staying in Busan for the weekend. Jungkook wanted to show me around a bit too.

The train ride was about two hours long. I fell asleep somewhere in between, but Jungkook said he stayed awake the whole time listening to music.

"Sorry, I was trying not to fall asleep but it was really hard." I say when we get off the train.

"It's okay, don't apologize." He smiles, patting my hair, "You're cute when you're asleep."

He takes my hand as we walk out of the station. Jungkook always has a way to make me feel calm. I don't like to show that I'm nervous, but since we're so close, he can always see right through me.

I calmed down, but I became nervous again once we stepped in front of the house.

"We're early. Hopefully not too early though." Jungkook says,"Wow. It's been a while since I've been here, but it never seems to change." He smiles.

"When's the last time you were here?" I ask.

"Hm..." He pauses, " I think...Christmas. Two years ago."


We didn't even knock on the door yet, but it opens all of a sudden.

Standing in the doorway was Jungkook's mom with their dog, Gureum, on a leash.

Gureum gets excited when he sees Jungkook and starts pulling against the leash.

"Son! You're here early!" Jungkook's mom moves forward to let Gureum get to Jungkook.

"Hi, mom! And Gureumie! I'm home!" He kneels down to pet him.

"Sana-ya, it's been a while!" His mom smiles at me, "How have you been?"

"Oh, things are good!" I say, "Work's been easy on me lately."

"Ah, that's good to hear. I hate seeing you guys exhausted. You work so hard."

We both look over at Jungkook, who was getting tackled by Gureum on the floor.

"Why don't we go inside?" His mom calls Gureum and he goes running inside.

"How's work been, mom?" Jungkook asks as we bring our things inside.

"Mm..." She hums, "Same old same old. It's not difficult, it's just mostly the same thing everyday. I won't have to be doing it for much longer though."

"Are you retiring soon?" Jungkook asks, "You don't have to keep working, I can always help you guys with money if that's the issue."

"You're so sweet, son." She smiles, "But I can't ask you to do that for us."

"Why not? You raised me and paid for my food, my clothes, everything. It seems fair."

"I'm sure we'll be just fine on our own. Your dad is retiring soon and he'll cover a lot for us. There's no need to worry about us."

I admired the relationship Jungkook has with his parents. I could see where he gets his personality from. He just wants to be nice and help his parents, but his mom is too nice to accept any money from her son.

"Where is dad anyways?" Jungkook asks.

"Your dad went out to run some errands and pick up the ingredients for dinner later. Did you two have lunch yet?"

"We didn't have lunch yet. I'm starving. What about you, love?" Jungkook asks me.

I think that was the first time he called me "love" in front of his mom. She just smiled to herself listening to us talk.

"I could eat. I'm pretty hungry too."

The three of us had a quick lunch together. As we were finishing, Jungkook's mom gets a text.

"Ah, it's your dad. He needs help bring the groceries in." She says.

"I got it!" Jungkook springs up from his seat to go help his dad.

I stayed inside to help his mom clean up the kitchen from lunch. It was quiet. She was doing the dishes and I was drying and putting them away.

All of a sudden, she laughs softly to herself, still scrubbing the dishes.

"It's nice to have you around, Sana." She says.

This sort of caught me off guard.

"Oh, thank you. It's nice to see you guys since I don't get to see my parents often."

"Well you're always welcome to pay us a visit." She smiles, "I always wondered what it was like to have a daughter. I raised two boys thinking I would never know what that was like."

"I understand what you mean." I say, "I'm an only child, so I don't have any siblings. When I joined Twice, it was like a whole new world to me. All of a sudden, I had eight sisters."

"And all of sudden, it's like I have a daughter."

Her words kept replaying in my mind over and over again throughout the day. I was so happy she felt like that about me. Like I said before, I knew she liked me, but not like this. Maybe it was because we were alone, she just found it easier to say these things to me.

Either way, I had this new feeling inside of me.

Everything was good.

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