Something New

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The days seemed to pass by slower than before. Maybe because I'm appreciating things more than before.

When Sana took me back, it was like a weight was lifted off of my chest and I could breathe again. Like a breath of fresh air.

We've developed a sort of routine, although it never really stays the same as our schedules and plans are always changing.

But no matter where we are, if we're not with each other, we text each other as soon as we wake up and right before going to sleep. From there we establish whether or not it's a good time/place to call each other, and if it's not, then text messages will have to do.

When we're not as busy, sometimes Sana would come over and stay the night at my place.

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I have my own studio apartment. I stay there sometimes with friends or with Sana when I don't have to stay at the dorm or when we get a break.

When we had our dates, it was at my place most of the time. Sometimes we'd just order take-out or watch a movie or just talk. It was a lot more comfortable for the both of us for a number of reasons, which I'm sure you can figure out.

It's been about a month and a half since we got back together. It's already so much better than last time. I feel like I know what I want now and I can be my best for the two of us.'s been more than a month already?

I just realized something...

We haven't even kissed yet.

How have I been her boyfriend for more than a month now and I never initiated a single kiss? I mean, we have kissed, but like only on the cheek.

I guess I haven't really thought about it. There were plenty of times when I would look at her and imagined kissing her, but I never did because I thought I would ruin the moment or make things awkward.

If I don't want to be awkward then I just need to go for it. She wouldn't reject me, right? I mean, I hope not.

I wonder if she knows. Maybe she's just been waiting for me to do something about it. Or maybe not, that's not really like her now that I think about it.

Well, it's never gonna become normal occurrence between us unless we start something now.

The next time we see each other in person, I'll make it a point to do that. I won't make it my main priority, though. My main priority is always just to have a good time and make her smile.

Her laugh is my favorite sound. I love it when the two of us lose it laughing about something until my eyes water and my core hurts.

I'm basically dating my best friend, maybe that's why I haven't really thought about kissing her.

As long as I don't over think it or something, I shouldn't have anything to worry about.


It's been a while since Jungkook and I spent time together. We just finished preparing the songs for our next comeback and we'd have to work on the choreography soon. Honestly, I think I need a break.

I texted Jungkook as I got off of work today.

S: hey, I have Sunday off, would you have time to do something together?

J: Sunday?

J: I'm off the whole weekend besides a photoshoot Sunday afternoon, but that's it

S: ah you're lucky

S: I've been so drained lately

J: if that's the case then let's do something relaxing

S: like what?

J: idk maybe movie night or we can bake cookies or something at my place

J: whatever rings your bell

S: honestly I'd be good with anything that doesn't involve going out

J: I'll put something together then

S: you don't have to do anything special

J: I know I just want to have fun :)

Jungkook is always putting others before him. I love that about him, but sometimes I have to remind him to take care of himself too.

Sunday rolls around and I head over to his place in the evening after work. I'd spend the night and then go back to work the next morning.

It might not be much but it's better than nothing.


I ordered dinner for us and bought some drinks for the night. I was just waiting for her to show up.

I was turning on some music when the door bell rang. I quickly go to open it and let Sana inside.

As soon as the door shuts, I stop her and pull her in to kiss her.

She was a bit shocked but she didn't fight it.

I pull away and we stand there, holding each other.

"W-what was that for?" She stutters.

"We've never done it before." I say.

She looks me in the eyes before grabbing my shirt collar.

"Well do it again-" She says as she pulls me back for another kiss.

This one lasted a bit longer and she took the lead.

She pulls away and laughs softly.

"What? What's so funny?" I ask.

"Oh nothing. You're just good at this." She says and walks off to the living room.

We spent the rest of the night eating, drinking, playing games, and just having a great time.

Around midnight, she started getting drowsy. We were just talking, sitting on the floor in the living room when she fell asleep mid-conversation.

I let her sleep and cleaned up a bit before carrying her to bed, trying not to wake her up.

I fell asleep almost immediately. When I woke up the next morning, she was gone, but there was a few texts on my phone.

S: had to run, thx for the fun last night

S: call me when you can :)

I smile to myself, thinking about her. Our relationship is definitely kind of complicated, but we make it work.

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