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"I'm starving!" Nayeon-unnie says as we get out of the car.

We had just finished a long recording session and now we're at a break for lunch.

"What should we order?" Chaeyoung asks.

We stopped at our favorite restaurant. We liked to go here because there's something here for all of us and it's not very popular. The owner knows us well since we've been coming here since before we debuted.

I open my phone as we sit at our usual table. Jihyo usually orders for us. It's just less chaotic that way.

I peek at my notifications and see that I got a message from Justin through that social app I've been using.

Originally, I used it to talk to my friends who I already knew, but recently I've been trying to meet new people just for the thrill of it. I don't use my real name for obvious reasons, and I don't think anyone knows who I am, except for my in-real-life friends.

My screen name is Yua M. I chose this name because I thought it was always a nice name and when I was younger, I told my parents that if I ever had a sister, her name would be Yua. I'm an only child, but I still liked the name.

I started talking to this "Justin S." guy last night. He seems nice, but I hope he isn't some creep who stalks people online. His profile didn't have a picture, but to be fair, neither did mine.

His profile says that he's 22. He told me he was from Busan and he likes music and photography. It'd be cool to meet him someday, but I think it's probably best to stay behind a screen for now.

Justin: Hi Yua noona just checking in

Justin: that's what friends do, right?

Yua: Hi justin

Yua: Yeah we're friends and that's what friends do lol

Justin: Haha

Justin: so what are you up to

Yua: I'm eating lunch rn wby

Justin: I'm at work, but I'm on a short break

Yua: at work? What do you do?

Justin: I work in a studio

Yua: like with music or something?

Justin: sorta

Justin: what about you?

Yua: I work for an entertainment company

Justin: ooh

Justin: that sounds fun

Justin: anyways

Justin: what are you having for lunch?

Yua: oh

Yua: I'm sharing with a few of my coworkers

Yua: but we ordered kimbap, jajangmyeon, bibimbap, you know, stuff like that

Justin: mm that's making me hungry

Yua: did you not eat lunch yet?

Justin: I haven't had lunch yet but I think I'll get something soon

Yua: can I ask you a question

Justin: sure

Yua: how come you don't have a photo on your profile

Justin: well

Justin: I could ask you the same question

Yua: well

Yua: I asked first

Justin: okay

Justin: I don't want people to judge me based on my looks

Justin: if I had a photo on my profile, no one would accept my chat requests

Yua: I'm sure that's not the case

Justin: well then what about you

Yua: I don't like looking at myself

Justin: why?

Yua: I could ask you that too

Justin: okay, don't tell me if you don't feel like it then

Justin: now I'm curious

Yua: maybe one day we can meet up but not any time soon

Justin: yeah...I agree

Justin: but lemme just say

Justin: I don't care what you look like

Justin: because you've been nice to me and that's all I care about

Yua: I could say the same for you

Justin: :)

Justin: well thanks for putting up with me

Justin: my break's over soon so I gtg

Justin: see ya

I put my phone back into my bag and finish lunch with the girls.

My mind kept wondering what Justin looked like.

I wonder if he's full Korean or if he's part American too...his Korean is really good so maybe he's full...

He said he works in a studio. I started thinking about people in the music industry named Justin with a last name starting with S, but no one came to mind. He must not work in the K-pop industry.

Imagine what a coincidence it would've been if he did. I told him I worked for an entertainment company, which isn't a whole lie, but it wasn't the full truth either.

I told myself to stop imagining what he looked like because if we ever meet in person, I might disappoint myself.

He wanted to be friends, but he wasn't pushy about it, so that was a good sign.

I just hope he's really a nice 22 year old guy and not some internet creep. It was suspicious that he didn't have a profile photo, but his reasoning didn't seem like he was lying.

I wonder what would happen if he ever found out who I really am. I wonder if he's a Once. Imagine that.

But what if he's not who I think he is? What if he's like me?

Beyond The Screen  (J.JK x M.SN)Where stories live. Discover now