You Know, I Know

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After we arranged plans, it really got me thinking.

Why do I feel like this..?

Why do I feel different towards Yua..?

Nothing has changed. Yet, I feel like something had shifted; something on the inside.

Am I...crushing on her..??

I denied it at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how possible it could actually be.

I've never felt like this towards anyone else.

I have female friends, but something about Yua is just different.

I think it's the fact that I don't know what she looks like or what she sounds like. To me, that makes this situation a lot a way.

I keeo flipping between being excited about meeting her, and being nervous about meeting her.

What if she's an Army? She'll probably freak out. If that's the case...i don't know if we can be friends after all.

We'll just have to wait and see.

(Third Person POV)

The next day, Jungkook wakes up with tons of energy.

Today is the day he'd be meeting Yua in person.

Sana on the other hand, she had a hard time sleeping last night.

She had been contemplating whether or not she should tell someone about her situation. She decided not to say anything.

That day, both of them avoided messaging each other throughout the day.

Jungkook didn't want to talk to her that day if it wasn't in person and Sana was just too anxious to open up that app right now.

Jungkook had been thinking about all the possible ways their meeting could go.

"Hi, I'm Justin. But that's not my real name." He imagined himself saying this if she didn't recognize him.

"I know, I know. Yes, you were talking to me the whole time." He would say, if she did recognize him from BTS.

He wondered what her name really was.

She told him that her name isn't really 'Yua'.

He wondered what else she might have been lying about.

He wasn't mad, obviously. He had lied to her too, to be fair.

Four in the evening came around the clock and Jungkook couldn't be anymore nervous.

He spoke to himself in his room.

"Should I wear something dressy?" He asked his reflection in the mirror.

He was wearing his sweaty clothes from dance practice.

He washed up and decided on wearing something nice. Nothing too fancy, but he didn't want to look like a slob. He wanted to make a good first impression.

Sana got back after work and did the same. She had a lot of makeup on after a photo shoot, but she washed it all off before their meeting.

As she was leaving the dorm, some of her other members were gathered in the living room watching TV.

"Where are you going?" Dahyun asks her when she noticed Sana put her shoes on.

"Just gonna go get some coffee. By myself." Sana smiles.

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