what falling in love feels like

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Falling and being in love is nothing like how it's depicted in movies and TV shows. The way they're set up is just too simple. In my opinion, falling in love in real life is so much better than just watching it in movies. I was falling in love and I didn't even realize it. That's how much the emotions and the feelings take over.

Many people will tell you to "choose them wisely", as in choose your partners wisely.

But with Sana, she doesn't even have to try. When I asked to be her boyfriend that day, I didn't even think about what would happen afterwards. I just liked her that much.

Sometimes, I can't even describe my own feelings, but the ones I feel when I'm with Sana are just amazing. No words can describe what I feel when I'm with her. I never thought one person would mean so much to me.

She's my motivation. When I'm struggling, I think about her. When work is hard, I think, "keep going and you'll be one second closer to seeing her again". I just want her to know how much I care about her and appreciate her. She's helped me through so much. She was the one to make me feel better when I had nightmares and couldn't sleep. Even if she wasn't awake, just having her next to me put me at ease.

And that's part of the reason why we're getting married today. We were going to get legally married, have a little lunch date, and then celebrate with our friends and family. I've been anticipating this day for a while, except, I didn't get nervous until now.

I woke up next to her, facing her, her eyes still closed as she slept. I laid there and watched her for a while. Her soft breaths were the only things I could hear.

I glance at the clock and realize it's about time for us to get up soon.

"Jagiya, good morning." I whisper, gently stroking her hair.

Her eyes slowly blink open and find me. She smiles, "Good morning, my love."

"Did you sleep alright?" I ask.

She nods, "Mhm. Did you? You woke up before I did."

"Just by a few minutes. I slept good too."

"Okay, good." She smiles, kissing my forehead, "We have a big day ahead of us."

She starts to get up, but I pull her back down for another kiss.

"Sorry, just really wanted to do that." I say.

"Don't apologize." She laughs, "If you're gonna be my husband, you can do that anytime."

I laugh, breathlessly.

It still doesn't feel real to me.

I'm gonna be a husband. She's gonna be my wife.

It feels like a dream.

We got dressed up fairly nice for the occasion. We didn't have to, but it just felt right.

The actual process of getting married wasn't too long. We just had to submit all of our documents and sign a few papers and then our marriage was registered. We had called ahead and asked to come in when no one else would be there except the people that worked there. Even getting in and out, we used the back entrance just in case.

When that was done, it was about time to meet our friends and family for lunch. We get into the car and Sana pulls something out of her bag before I start the car.

"Jagiya, here," She smiles, "This is yours."

She pulls out a ring. One that looked quite similar in color to hers.

I chuckle as she takes my hand, sliding the new ring onto my finger right beside my promise ring.

She keeps her hand on mine, tracing her fingers over my tattoos, both of us admiring our matching promise rings and wedding rings.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"For what?" She looks up at me.

"To spend the rest of our lives together."

She smiles again, cupping my face in her hand, "I've been ready for so long."

I lean in, kissing her softly. She wouldn't let me go.

After a while, she finally lets me breathe.

"Do you remember our first kiss?" I ask her.

"Of course I do," She says, "You're a good kisser."

"That's only because you make me wanna kiss you so bad."

"Do I?"

"All of the time."

She leans in this time, kissing me slowly.

However long we're together, I hope this is something we never lose.

We had a nice lunch with everyone. All of our members, our parents, my brother, and a few of our close friends were there. We wanted to spend this big day with the people we loved.

We had a great time. People said some nice things that almost made me cry, but it was all good. We were happy.

I didn't actually shed any tears until after lunch, late at night, when Sana and I were back at home.

"Thank you for an amazing day, my beautiful wife." I hug her tight, us falling against the wall.

"Today was incredible, I love you mph-!"

I squeeze her tighter, lifting her off of her feet and spinning us around.

When I set her down, I keep my arms around her, planting kisses all over her face. She squints her eyes, laughing and still holding onto me.

"I love you, Jungkook." She sighs, gazing into my eyes.

"And I love you, Sana." I say, "I always will."

We hug again, but this time, I close my eyes, just taking in the feeling of her embrace. That's when the tears started to fall.

With our marriage, we agreed to a life-long commitment, but to be honest, we promised each other that a long time ago.

This is just the beginning.

This all started with me being lonely one night. Who knew that one choice would lead to all of this.

We've been through so much already, but there's still a whole life ahead of us.

We're gonna end up where we belong. We just won't know how we're gonna get there.

But that's the fun of it all.

Every setback, every obstacle, no matter how frustrating, is just another stepping stone.

In time, we'll get where we need to be.

So in the meantime, we just have to find some fun in the confusion of it all.

The best part is that we get to do this together.

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