With You

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The first night came a lot quicker than I expected. We were so busy that time really flew by.

I finally got to show Sana my room that I grew up in. My parents had tried to keep it relatively the same as I left it before I left to go live with the guys in the corporate housing.

It still had the same decorations and knick-knacks lining the shelves. I had almost forgotten about these things. All the memories started coming back to me as I told Sana about my room.

"Are we sleeping in here tonight?" She asks.

"Um...if you want to, I guess. My bed's kinda small but it's better than the couch out in the living room."

"We can take the bed. I don't mind." She smiles.

My parents watched a movie with us before we all went to sleep. Gureum was already asleep by the window.

"Are you sure you two will be okay sleeping on that tiny bed? We can pull out the futon and you guys can sleep on the floor..." My mom was concerned.

"It's alright. I think we'll be okay. Right, love?" I ask Sana.

"Mhm. I really don't mind." She says.

"Okay, well, we'll see you in the morning. Good night you two."

I didn't realize how tired I was. I started yawning as soon as I laid down.

Sana was snuggled up next to me under the blanket.

I try to find her hand underneath the blanket, "Are you comfy? I can move-"

"I'm good right here." She says, leaning her head on my chest.

I laugh softly, stroking her hair, "That is a nice spot."

I kiss her head before closing my eyes, "Sweet dreams, love."

She moves her head up to kiss my chin, "Sweet dreams. I love you."

I smile to myself, "I love you too."

I fell asleep right away.

When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in my bed. The house was quiet, I was only greeted by Gureum who had snuck into my room.

I sat up in bed to check my phone, wondering where Sana was. I had a text from my mom.

Mom: morning son, sorry I stole Sana for a bit. We're out shopping and your dad's at work. I made you breakfast, it's in the kitchen. We'll be back soon

Wow okay then. I came home to see my family and my mom steals my girlfriend while I'm asleep. I'm glad my mom's bonding with Sana though.

I ate the breakfast my mom made for me and took Gureum for a quick walk. When I got back, my mom and Sana were just getting home. I was waiting for them in the front door way.

"Why wasn't I invited?" I ask them as they walk up to the door.

"Sorry, but we got you something!" Sana says.

"It better be good." I joke.

"That's no way to thank your girlfriend." My mom says.

"Sorry...thank you for thinking about me." I fix my response.

"Come on, I'll show you inside."

They had a few shopping bags from different stores. I spotted one from my favorite clothing store. Sana noticed me eyeing it and turns around to hide it from me.

"Sana spent a long time looking for the perfect gift for you." My mom says.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I shrug.

"Well, I did and you're gonna take it." Sana says.

She pulls something out of the bag and gives it to me. I turn it over in my hands, unfolding it to hold it up in front of me.

"Oh!" I realize, "How did you find this? I've been looking for this forever! They had it?"

It was a hoodie from one of my favorite brands. It was a collab piece with one of my favorite music artists. It had sold out in store and online the first week it came out. I kind of stopped checking for it, thinking I'd never be able to get one.

"I did a little research," Sana shrugs, "And I found out when they'd be restocking. We went early right when the store opened just to get it."

"You're the best." I hug her and then my mom.

"Try it on." My mom suggests.

I slip it on over my shirt. It was so comfortable. It was a little oversized too, just how I like it.

"Ah.." I sigh, "It's perfect. Thank you so much."

I didn't want to take the hoodie off for the rest of the day.

I showed Sana around some of my favorite places in Busan and we did some more shopping and sight-seeing. I told her plenty of stories about my memories of all of these places. It felt so different being here with her now. It felt like two different lives.

While we were walking around, we stopped at a small street-food district to rest our feet. We had been walking around all day. We sat together on a bench in the shade of a tall tree.

I close my eyes, listening to the leaves rustling and the subtle noise from the people and the shops in the distance.

"Are you tired?" Sana'a voice comes into play.

"Hm?" I open my eyes again, "Oh, no. I'm just...relaxing."

She laughs softly, wrapping her arms around my right arm and leaning her head on my shoulder. I let out a relieved sigh. This was nice. I could stay like this forever.

"Jungkook?" Sana calls.


"You make me so happy."

I chuckle, "I could say the same thing to you, love."

"I wish we had more time to be here." She says.

We'd be going home tonight. This was our last day here in Busan.

"I do too." I sigh, "But I still had a lot of fun."

"Thank you for showing me around."

"Mhm. That was the best part."

She smiles, "You were the best part."

I feel myself blush. I don't know why, but sometimes when she talks like that, I get all shy.

"Well then, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me."

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