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Today's the day I'm supposed to go to myeong-dong with Sana, and to be honest, I almost completely forgot until she texted me, reminding me.

I had been trying not to think about it too much because whenever I did, I started to get anxious.

I have nothing to worry about. I might not even get to confess to her today. And it's not like I'm gonna die if I don't.

But I really want to...I just don't want it to seem forced.

Is she as nervous as I am right now? Probably not. She's the one who invited me anyways.

BTS had a jacket shoot to go to in the morning, but we got back around ten o'clock.

I couldn't decide on what to wear at first. I didn't want to over dress, but I also didn't want to dress too casual. If only I knew what she was going to wear.

I finally settled with a semi-casual outfit, like something I might wear to the airport. I decided to bring a mask so hopefully less people would recognize me.

I called her about twenty minutes before I left the dorm.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey, are we heading out soon?" I asked.

"Yeah! I have one of my manager-unnies driving us so I'll meet you here."

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon, I can't wait."

I checked everything one last time before I left.

Wallet, phone, mask, shades...

I stood in front of the mirror and nodded to myself.

"Let's do this."

I met Sana at the Twice dorm and we left from there. The car ride was going to be kind of long so I had thought about things I wanted to talk to her about beforehand.

"What should we do first?" She asks me.

"Shopping?" I suggest.

"That's what I was thinking. I really want to go to the underground shops, I heard it's changed." She smiles.

Sana is such a bright person. I admire that.

We got to Myeong-dong around noon.  Lucky for us, it wasn't too busy.

We started walking down the sidewalk path trying to get to the underground entrance.

I laughed when I saw my face plastered on the side of a cosmetic shop. BTS was sponsored by this company.

"Wow, check it out." I point at the shop.

Sana laughs too, "Woah, who's that?" She says sarcastically.

We entered our first store, one that she recommended.

Just shopping for an hour, I found so many things I liked.

I spent quite a bit. They had so many clothing and accessory stores and so many things that caught my eye.

Both of us had our hands full, but I offered to help carry her shopping bags.

After a bit of walking, I started to get hungry.

"Are you hungry yet? I'm starving." I say.

"I could eat." She says, her eyes scanning the nearby buildings, "What are you craving?"

We ended up at a traditional Korean hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

The owner recognized us when we ordered, but thankfully, they kept it low key. They were really nice, and even gave us a small discount.

I was having so much fun, again, I forgot about my plan.

I started getting nervous again.

"What do you want to do after this?" Sana asks.

"Hm? Oh, um...I-I was thinking, maybe dessert if you still have room?"

Get yourself together, Jungkook!

"Oh, that sounds good."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down again.

I have nothing to worry about. We're both having a good time, things are going well, it'll be fine.

We wrapped up lunch and started walking again, looking for something to get for dessert.

"Oh, what about bubble tea?" She suggests.

"I could go for bubble tea." I say.

There was a little stall that sold bubble tea and other treats.

We got our drinks and sat down at a bench near the fountain.

Okay...I'm gonna do it, I have to do it now. This is it.

We were both quietly sipping on our drinks, then I finally spoke up.

"Sana-ssi...we're friends, right?" I ask her.

She looks at me like I just asked the most obvious question in the world, "Of course we are!"

I laugh softly, "Then can I tell you something?"

"Sure." She looked curious.

"Promise me we'll still be friends?"

Her expression went from curious to confused.

"Of course, Jungkook."

"Alright then.." I take a quick breath, "Sana, I think...I think I have feelings for you...I've always admired you and your personality, and I think you're amazing."

I look down, expecting the worst to hit me, but she didn't say anything.

I look back up and see her smiling at me.

"Well that's convenient." She laughs.

"What..?" I didn't understand.

"Jungkook, I like you. You're my favorite person to talk to." She says, straightforward, "Why do you think i invited you here?"

I didn't think I was hearing right.

"You like me?"


I sat there with probably the dumbest expression on my face.

I really did have nothing to worry about.

"I uh...I wasn't expecting you to say that." I explain, not knowing what to do next.

"Well I like you," She thinks outloud, "and you like me. What now?"

"Is this a date?" I ask suddenly.

"I think it is now."

"So are we technically dating?"

"I don't you want to?"

It was so awkward.

"Y-yeah...I'd like that."

We still continued shopping after all that, but it wasn't like nothing happened.

While we were in a random store, I started thinking again.

"So am I your boyfriend now?" I ask.

She chuckles, "Are you asking to be my boyfriend?"

I slowly shrug.

"You can be my boyfriend, but only if I can be your girlfriend." She says.

The way she said that made my heart skip a beat.

"Deal." I laugh.

What did I just do?

I didn't know it then, but those few words changed my life.

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