One Way

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I was looking forward to spending some time with Sana today, but it's like she's avoiding me for some reason.

When we talked on the phone, she didn't sound upset or anything, but she told me she couldn't see me today like we had planned. Our call didn't last long either.

This wasn't like Sana. She would tell me if something was wrong. We agreed to communicate with each other a long time ago, and Sana never breaks her promises.

I couldn't focus at work. I was too caught up trying to figure out why Sana was avoiding me.

I tried calling her again after work.

"Ah, jagiya, is that you?" She says.

To my surprise, she actually answered my call.

"Yeah, it's me, love. Are you still coming over tonight?" I ask.

"Uh...." She pauses, "I'm so sorry, baby, but I can't make it tonight. We're just...super busy right now."

"Oh..." I say, "It's alright. Do you want to meet up for a meal tomorrow then?"

"Ah.." She pauses again, "Sorry, but it's not really a good time right now. We can reschedule if that's okay...Once I know how the rest of our schedule will go, I promise I'll make it up to you."She spoke quickly.

"Alright. Well, good night then. I'll see you...soon. I love you, Sana."

"I love you, too. Get some rest for me, baby."

And that was it.

She said they were just busy...but I had my reasons to believe that that wasn't it.

You see, BTS and Twice are pretty good friends. A few of the guys had talked to a few of them earlier today and what they told us was completely different than what Sana told me.

Why would she lie to me..?


I can't believe I lost it.

I'm such an idiot.

I have to find it, I can't let him know I lost it.

I frantically searched our dorm, the practice rooms, the car, anywhere I could remember I still had it.

I can't keep this up much longer. He's gonna see right through me.

I can't believe I lost my ring. I lost the ring.

I had already been looking for hours and I still haven't found it.

I know I had it when I was with Jungkook the other night. He would be going to work in the morning, maybe I could just go and check his place after he leaves. I don't know where else to look.

I've only had that ring for a few weeks and I already lost it.

Jungkook usually leaves for work around I'll just go swing by his place after then and hopefully, it'll be there. If it's not, then I don't know what else to do.

I woke up early the next morning. I waited around until five o'clock passed and then started making my way to Jungkook's apartment.

I had a key and he told me the code to his door, so that wouldn't be a problem.

I quietly opened the door and stepped inside. It was silent. He must be gone already.

"Jungkook? Is anyone home?" I asked before taking another step.

After no response, I start my search.

I looked through the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, but when I got to his bedroom, I started to lose hope.

I was so frustrated, I started crying.

And then I froze. I heard someone opening the front door.


I left for work early today, but I forgot my phone at home. I didn't realize until I got to the company building so I turned around and went back.

I stepped into my apartment, but I stopped almost immediately. I heard something coming from my room.

I carefully creep over to my open bedroom door.

"S-Sana?" My eyes widen.

Sana was in my room, on the floor, leaning her head against the side of the bed.

"Baby, what are you doing-" I walk over to her, only to realize that she was crying.

She lifts her head to look up at me. I kneel down next to her to wipe the tear streaks from her face.

"I'm sorry..." She said, her voice shaking.

"Sorry? For wh-"

"I lost the ring you gave me. I'm so sorry, love." Her tears started falling again, "I-I've been looking everywhere for it, but it's gone." Her head hangs down.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's okay, really." I try to reassure her, "You don't have to do this-"

"But you gave it to me..."

"It's okay-"

"It's all my fault." She tries to keep looking for it, but I stop her.

I hold her wrists and look her in the eyes.

"Sana. It's okay. I'll get you another one if it's really gone. You don't have to do all this." I say using my gentle voice.

"But it was special to you and to me..." She sniffs, "It was our promise..."

I sigh, "Come here. Get up from there, come on." I help her stand up.

"Baby," I hold her close to me, "even if you lose everything I give you, as long as I have you, I'll be okay."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's okay."

I hug her and I could feel that she really was sorry. I didn't want to let her go.

After she calmed down and we hugged it out, I thought I would try to get her to crack a smile.

"It's gonna be okay." I said, using a more cheerful tone, "I'm gonna get you another ring someday anyways. One that'll mean so much more. But you can't lose that one, alright?"

She laughs softly, "I'll be more careful from now on."

I quickly kiss her lips, "You better."

I went and dropped her off at work before I went back to mine.

I got back to the company building and realized...

My phone was still at home.

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