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I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. The doctors said I only had to stay for two days, but the company wanted to keep me longer just to be safe.

I was feeling better, but I was upset I'd have to sit out of group activities for a while. I had fractured my collarbone, so dancing wasn't even in the picture right now.

The doctor said it should take about six or seven weeks for me to be fully recovered. I knew Jungkook would take longer to heal up since he broke a few bones, not fracture them.

When I was discharged from the hospital, they had me stay home for a few days and then I was allowed to go out again. I still couldn't dance or move around too much, so I just watched the girls learn the new choreography. I'd have to learn it myself later I guess.

I tried to keep my mind off of him. Time would go by faster if I didn't think about him so much. At least, that's what I told myself.

We had no idea when we'd be allowed to see each other again, but we still kept in contact with each other. It was driving us crazy. We were talking on the phone one night.

"If I can't see you in the next month, I'm seriously gonna lose my mind." He said.

"I'm sure we'll see each other soon." I sighed, "I miss you."

Our incident was still kind of the talk of the town, except it wasn't just the town. It was all over the internet, all over the world.

It wasn't our fault. I don't understand why we're being punished for something that happened to us. I thought they'd at least be a little more empathetic towards us.

A lot of my fans were mad at his fans and vice versa. I started to worry that this whole incident might have ruined our group's reputations with each other. I have a feeling our two groups won't be seen on the same set or show together for a while.

About a month had passed since the accident now. We were still forbidden from seeing each other, but at least they gave us an update. They told us we could go back to seeing each other in person when we're both fully recovered. That should only be a few more weeks. We could handle that, right?

It's ironic if you think about it.

We started all of this because of that app. We were communicating with each other behind a screen, and here we are, stuck right back where we started. Things are obviously different now, but I was reminded of the feelings I had before.

Just when I thought things were getting better, everything was knocked back down again.

Someone got photos of Mina and Jimin on a date together. Our companies had to confirm their relationship and that affected all of us. Our little punishment went from a few more weeks to "to be determined" once again. Mina and Jimin weren't allowed to see each other for a while so they extended Jungkook's and my time frame as well.

I was frustrated, but I couldn't be mad at them. If it was the other way around, I'm sure they'd understand. I did my best to stay calm.

Would they have done this if we didn't get into that accident? They separated Mina and Jimin just for announcing their relationship, but was that related to our situation too? Would they be fine if it wasn't for us? Or maybe it didn't matter.

Now at work, two members were upset instead of just one. I tried to focus as much as I could, but my mind just kept going back to him at the end of the day. This isn't fair for any of us.

I was at home on a day off when I got a call from Jungkook.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm holding up. What's up?" I was wondering why he called.

"Are you home right now?"

"I am...why?"

"I'm gonna come over."

"What? But I thought-"

"I had a long conversation with them and we came to an agreement. I thought you would've known by now."

It had been so long. Too long.

The two of us were healed up, like nothing happened.

He came over and we stayed on the couch, in each other's arms once again. I missed this. All of my worried washed away when I was able to hold him again.

"So you're okay now? Nothing hurting anymore?" I ask him.

He nods, looking me in the eyes and stroking my hair, "I'm okay," He smiles, "I feel much better now that I'm with you."

We spent every second together until we had to go back to work. I was happier when we got back to business. I was happier knowing that he was okay and we get to come home to each other.

Things had finally calmed down online and with our fans. Most of them were just happy to see us back.

It was like nothing happened, but the effects were still lingering.

Jungkook had nightmares. I heard him talking and mumbling in his sleep, he sounded scared.

"No...no..!" He tossed and turned in bed.

"Jungkook..?" I put my hand on his shoulder, but he didn't move. He was asleep.

"No, don't..!" His body tensed up.

I watched as he gasped and his body started shaking and he started crying, all in his sleep.

I ran my hand over his hair. There wasn't much I could do in that moment, but when it first happened, that's when I realized.

Neither of us were going to be the same anymore. 

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