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My head was absolutely throbbing. I didn't dare to open my eyes, I knew it would sting. I rolled over in bed groaning. At least today was Saturday, and I didn't have any classes. It could have been a lot worse.

I slowly opened my eyes, instantly regretting my decision. The daylight that flooded in through the massive fucking window stung. I pulled my body up and noticed the empty fire whiskey bottle on the floor, causing me to groan even more. I'm so fucking stupid.

I tried to push the throbbing away and stood up. I was instantly hit with a wave of vertigo and nausea. I ran to the bathroom throwing up whatever contents I had left in my system. I instantly felt better after.

I dragged myself from the bathroom and got changed. I was still going to go down to Hogsmeade. That would take my mind off of everything.

I stumble down the stairs, still tired and slightly hungover. The common room was empty so I slumped onto the nearest couch and soaked in the heat from the fire. It mad me feel a lot better.

Footsteps began to descend the stairs, and I didn't dare look up in case it was him. He was the last person I wanted to see. However I didn't have to see him to know that it was Draco coming down the stairs because I could smell his intoxicating cologne from here. Instantly I was hit with flashbacks.

"That's my room" He said to me.

"Hey ! Look ! It worked." I smiled up at him.

I groaned to myself and sunk deeper into the couch. Why could I remember ? For once I didn't want to remember.

Luckily he walked straight passed me, and exited the common room. I waited for a few minutes before also leaving and making my way down to Hogsmeade, on my own.

The walk to Hogsmeade wasn't fun. It was lonely. I was surrounded by groups of laughing people as I made my way to the three broomsticks.

I sunk into the furthest booth and ordered myself a butterbeer. I sat sipping on the frothy drink, observing everyone around me.

Most people were in groups, talking, laughing. I didn't realise how alone I was without Draco. It took about about half an hour before he walked in. I knew it was going to happen. It always does.

I stood up and made my way out. I could just go back to the common room and be alone there. I walked up the path with my head down and instantly bumped into someone. I looked up and it was Katie Bell.

"I'm sorry Katie" I mumbled.

"That's alright. Are you okay ?"

"I'm alright. Where are you going with that ?" I asked, pointing to the package in her hand.

"Hogwarts. It has to be delivered to Dumbledore."

"I can take it for you if you like ?" I offered. It would surely take my mind of things for a few minutes.

"Really ? That would be great!"

She passed me the package and the next thing I know is I see nothing. I'm aware, but my body is possessed by some sort of dark force. I feel my body fly up and I'm no longer aware.


As I walked into The three broomsticks she instantly got up and left. I didn't blame her and I didn't want her to witness what I just had to do. I felt absolutely disgusted in myself.

I took a seat and ordered a butterbeer. I let my thoughts take over as I sat sipping on the drink.

This didn't last long at all however. There was an agonising scream. Everyone was suddenly on there feet and rushing towards the door, me being one of them.

I pushed to the front of the crowd and when I reached the front I let out a yell of my own. Y/N's body was in the air and she had the cursed necklace in her hand.

That was meant for Dumbledore.

FORBIDDEN (Draco Malfoy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now