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Being pulled from her memory was like being woken up from a nightmare. Only it wasn't a nightmare, it had actually happened.

My legs felt weak and I couldn't quite understand or process anything I had just seen.

"I couldn't just come back Draco" She whispered.

I looked up. Her hands were resting on my shoulders, concern etched into her face.

"I don't understand" I whispered back. I was completely oblivious to all the people watching us.

"If I just reappeared your father would have come after me again, I had to stay away until I felt that it was safe again"

I could see the pain and sorrow in her eyes. I didn't think about how hard this must have been for her. I had no idea where she had been. Where she had been hiding for the merlin knows how long, I'd lost count.

I had no idea what to say. There was nothing I could say that would make this better, so instead I pulled her into me, wrapping my arms around her small figure. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I buried my face in her hair, inhaling her scent. Merlin how I had missed it.

A sob broke out from Y/N and I held her close to me, letting her tears soak into my suit. I didn't care. I had her back in my arms, and that's all I wanted.

This was also the moment I realised the broken glass and Fire Whiskey bottles were for nothing. The sleepless nights and tear stained sheets could have been avoided. There was no need for an arranged marriage because Y/N had been alive this whole time. And my father knew.

He tried to kill her.

Anger suddenly took over and I was ripping himself from Y/N and making my way back towards the manor, where my father was still slumped against the wall unconscious.

"Draco, what are you-"

My fist connected with my fathers face. An audible crack and a flow of blood started to gush from his nose.


Draco punched his father in the face. Once. Twice. Again. And again. This wouldn't help. This would only get Draco into trouble.

The next thing I knew I had apparated to Draco's side and I was pulling him off of his unconscious father.

"He tried to kill you!" He screamed, as I dragged him back, away from him.

"I know Draco, but this is what he wants. You're going to get yourself into trouble"

The next thing I knew Draco was weak in my arms. Sobbing into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, struggling to hold his weight up against me.

"He'll be sent to Azkaban" I whispered.

Aurors suddenly stormed the place, surrounding us and every door the manor possessed. They bound Lucius and dragged his unconscious body out the front door, not leaving a trace of him behind.

"He's gone" I whispered, into Draco's ear, running my hand through his soft hair to try and calm him.

I'd completely forgotten about my 'funeral', but Narcissa appeared to have that handled. She was gathering everyone and asking them to apparate home.

I apparated Draco upstairs and he landed on his bed, while I took a moment to evaluate the mess his room had become.

His clothes were all over the floor in messy piles, and empty Fire Whiskey bottles were everywhere some in tact some not so much. It was clear that he hadn't been looking after himself.

"Draco, it's an absolute state in here"

"I know" He mumbled. He was now laying back on the bed, staring up at the canopy.

I signed and started to clear the mess. In a matter of seconds, his clothes were in his wardrobe and the many empty bottles were gone.

I plopped myself down beside him on the bed, also staring up at the canopy of his bed.

"Don't leave me Y/N"

"Draco, I'm not going anywhere"

He pulled me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. He had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. This was exactly where I was supposed to be.

"I love you Draco"

"I love you too"

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