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A full moon. It had been another month and now i had to deal with more pain. All i wanted was one day without pain.

I woke up with Draco Laying beside me. I felt horrible that i woke him up in the middle of the night. I wasn't even sure why i threw up. I guess it's because i was still tired from the poison or it was the full moon. I can't really be to sure anymore.

Draco and I got up and got ready for the day. I wasn't really looking forward to going back to class. I didn't want people to ask me questions and i didn't want the attention to be on me. I had also heard we have a new defence against the dark arts teacher, and apparently she's awful.

Luckily for me, we had DADA first. What a lovely way to start the year.

We made our way down to the great hall for some breakfast hand in hand. Until suddenly we weren't. A women in head to toe pink was walking towards us pointing her wand at where our hands were once together.
"Boys and girls are not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other" She said.
"Seriously ?" I asked confused.
"Detention Miss Y/L/N for answering back" She smirked and walked past.

Draco came up behind me as i watched the crazy lady walk away.
"Luckily for you i have 10" He whispered in my ear.
For a second i was confused and then it clicked. I turned around wide eyed but he was already walking away, chuckling to himself.
"Draco Malfoy you did not just say that" I said shocked.
"Oh yes i did" He smirked.


She ran to catch up with me and slapped me on the back as i continued to laugh. We finally made it to the great hall and i sat opposite Y/N even though i wasn't allowed to now. We ate in silence, neither of us liked to talk whilst we ate.
"how did she know my name?" Y/N asked, breaking the silence.
She had a point. We had only just got back and somehow crazy pink lady knew who she was.
"Maybe it's because we weren't here and Dumbledore told her or something" I replied, but truly i didn't think that was the case.

Once we had finished eating we made our way towards Crazy pink ladies class room. This time we weren't holding hands and Y/N was not very happy about it.
"Stupid bitch and her crazy rules" She mumbled as we stood outside the class.

I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"Stop being so childish" I smirked.
She looked up from the floor and shot me daggers. I suddenly remembered that it was a full moon, and she probably didn't mean it.
"Sorry" I said blowing her a kiss as we finally walked in.

All the girls were sat one side and the boys on the other, it was utterly ridiculous. It was also the longest hour of my life.

Umbridge, which was apparently her name, went on about how we weren't going to practise spells, we were simply going to learn about them. It was pointless.

The lesson finally came to an end and Y/N and i walked towards our next lesson of the day bored out of our minds. Maybe we should have stayed at the manor.

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