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Draco stormed out the great hall as I entered. I was confused. Was he mad at me ? I never meant to upset him ? I decided to follow him, i wasn't really hungry after everything. I followed him to the library. By the time i arrived he was sitting reading a book. He looked a little calmer now so i decided to approach him.
"Draco ?" He looked up.
"What" He said.
"Are you mad at me?"


"Are you mad at me?" She asked.
That warm feeling had already taken over again. I wasn't mad at her, i was mad at this weird feeling she was causing me.
"No" I replied bluntly.
She took a seat opposite me. She pulled the book down from my face and closed it.
"You are mad at me" She softly spoke.
"I'm not, i'm just not in a good mood" I said.
She still had her hand on top of the book, she let go and stood up.
"Oh and Y/N we have to sleep in the great hall"
"How fantastic" She said sarcastically and put her thumbs up gesturing at me.
I gave her a concerned look and she simply smiled back. The warm feeling inside my stomach got worse.

It was time for first lesson so i got up and walked to charms. We hadn't actually had charms at all yet which was odd but whatever i'm not really fussed about it. Always hated charms class.

I entered the class and Y/N was already there. She was clearly nervous. I wasn't sure if it was the attack and lack of sleep, by the looks of it, or the class.
"Hello I'm professor Flitwick, and i will be teaching you all about charms"
"How bloody fun" I mumbled at Blaise who chuckled.
"First though we must put you in appropriate seats. Pansy will be sat with Blaise. Hermione with Ron. Harry with Seamus and Draco with Y/N"

I walked towards Y/N and we took our seats.
"Sorry you're stuck with me" She mumbled.
"Whatever" I said.
Really i wasn't mad about being sat beside her maybe i could figure out what this weird feeling is, that once again i'm feeling now. We sit through the lesson and it goes so slow.
"I think i'm going to die" I mumble.
Y/N let's out a light laugh.
"You are such a drama queen Malfoy"
I rolled my eyes. I am not dramatic.

Class was finally over and we were allowed to go and grab some items from our dorms to take to the great hall since they had locked the castle down.

I walked into the great hall and laid on a sleeping bag, and you'll never guess who comes running over. Pansy fucking Parkinson.
"Hi Draco" She says in her annoying flirtatious voice.
"What" I hiss.
"Can i lay next to you?" She says with puppy dog eyes.
"You most certainty can not, piss off"
She storms off. There was no way in hell i was laying next to her. God knows how long we'll have to stay in here.

Blaise chose the sleeping bag beside me which i was grateful for, i know Pansy would try and crawl her way over here again. A few final people flood into the hall before the doors close one of them being Y/N.

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