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I fell back as the drain took over me. I felt like I was going to throw up. I stood up and rushed out of his room running back to my room. I fell to my knees as soon as I reached the toilet. All that came up was blood. I was throwing up blood.

Panic instantly started to take over and it only made me throw up more. I stood up, barely able to hold myself up. I looked into the mirror. Blood was dripping from my mouth, my eyes were still black and I looked so pale I could pass as a dead corpse.

I leant my hands against the sink barely able to keep myself standing. I looked back up into the mirror and Draco was stood behind me, looking horrified.


As soon as she rushed out, I ran after her. I ran into her room and could hear her throwing up. I stood in her room for a minute before walking into the bathroom. I instantly felt like breaking down again.

She must have been throwing up blood. There was blood everywhere. She was stood looking in the mirror, barely capable of holding herself up. I felt sick.

"What is happening to you ?" I whispered.

She looked at me through the mirror.

"I don't know" She mumbled.

She turned on the water, and began cleaning herself up.

"Stop, go sit down, I'll run you a bath you need to relax" I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her bed.

The minute she hit the bed, her eyes closed and she fell asleep. I walked back into the bathroom, cleaning up the bloody mess. I ran the bath for her. I felt terrible. This was my fault. I don't know what came over me.

After I ran the bath, I found Y/N still fast asleep on her bed, curled up in bed.

"Hey. I've run the bath for you" I whispered.

She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked completely out of it. I helped her out of her clothes. She climbed into the bath, sinking into the warmth.

I grabbed the shampoo bottle and began massaging it into her scalp. She closed her eyes as it foamed up, enjoying the sensation of my fingers in her hair.

"I'm sorry Draco" She mumbled, as I washed the shampoo out of her hair.

"You don't need to apologise Y/N, I just wish you would have spoken to me"

"You disappeared Draco, I gave up trying to talk to you" She whispered.

"I'm sorry" I got up and grabbed some of my clothes for her before leaving the bathroom so she could get changed.


Draco left the bathroom and I climbed out of the bath, wrapping a towel around me. I grabbed the clothes he had left for me and pulled them on. I stood in the mirror, looking at my weak figure. I put my hand up to my neck, taking off the glamour charm that covered the deep purple bruises I still had on my neck.

No matter what I tried they wouldn't fade. The only thing I could do was keep them hidden.

The bathroom door suddenly opened, and I quickly put my hand back up to my neck. I wasn't quick enough.

"What are you doing ?" Draco asked concerned.

"Nothing" I mumbled, taking my hand away from my neck, the marks now gone again

"What was on your neck ?"

"Draco there's nothing" I show him.

"It looked like a hickey" His voice angry, but laced with sadness.

"You really think I'd do that to you?" I mumbled. He really has no faith in me.

"Well I don't know Y/N, but it seems like you're hiding something" He insisted.

I turned back around facing the mirror. I raised my hand back up to my neck, revealing the 5 black bruises on my neck.

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