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I walked out of Draco's room slightly flustered. For an arrogant twat he had some nice abs. I walked towards my dorm room smirking, knowing that i gave him the wrong answers. Maybe next time he'll think about trying to make me do his homework in a day.

The day finally came to an end and i climbed into bed, ready for another week. Even though i had only been here a week, i felt like i belonged.

I fell asleep quickly and i wasn't even woken up when Pansy walked in with someone.

Pansy dragged me to her room.
"Pansy what do you want ? Aren't you going to wake your roommate up?" I hissed.
"It's only Y/L/N and she's asleep look"
I looked over at her bed and there she was, peacefully sleeping, but then i noticed that her shirt had raised in her sleep, and more specifically i could see her bra and cleavage. I couldn't help but stare for a moment
"Oi" Pansy yelled," Stop staring at her!"
"I'm not staring!" I hissed.

"What is going on?" I head a voice say behind me. I turned around and Y/N was sat up in bed still half asleep.
"Might want to pull your shirt down Y/N" Pansy said," Draco can't stop staring"
I rolled my eyes and she simply just pulled her shirt down.
"So is anyone gonna tell me what's going on ?" She said.
"I don't really know Pansy dragged me here" I hissed and walked out the door, slightly flustered. I walked back to my dorm and collapsed on my bed thinking about Y/N.

I woke up and it was another bloody Monday. I dragged myself up and got ready before heading to the great hall. I noticed Y/N sat alone so i took my chance and sat beside her.
"What do you want Malfoy" She mumbled.
"I only sat down beside you Bloody hell"I said.
"Alright then" She sighed and got up and walked out of the great hall, leaving me confused. I grabbed some food before heading towards potions class.

I sat behind her in potions. I sat and watched her, she was clearly sunk in thought. How pathetic. I got through the lesson, bored out of my mind and handed in the homework i had made Y/N do.
"Mr Malfoy please stay behind" Snape said.
I sat back down confused. Once everyone left Snape came over to me.
"Do you think it's funny to complete the homework with the completely wrong answers ?"
I looked at him confused. Then it clicked. I wouldn't snitch her out but i sure would get her back.
"Sorry professor it won't happen again" I stubbornly said. I got up and left to look for Y/N.

I searched the corridors and eventually found her outside the dungeons.
"Y/N" I yelled.
She turned around and gave me a smile, which made me even angrier.
"Do you think it's funny to give me the wrong fucking answers?" I hissed.
"Don't know what your talking about" She said innocently.
"You know exactly what i'm talking about!"
"Maybe next time you should do it yourself" She simply said.
"You know what. If i was your parents i would have left as well"

Her facial expression instantly dropped as i carried on smirking. Then it hit. I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she stood there clearing having some sort of flashback. She dropped the book she was holding and walked past me.

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