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As soon as the words came out his mouth, i was feeling very mixed emotions. I really liked Draco but he's so complicated and cruel, but then he could be kind of nice. Why was he this way ?
"Really ?" I questioned. I expected him to turn around and tell me it was a joke, and humiliate me i front of everyone.
"Yes Y/N and i want you to come to the yule ball with me" He said trying to act normal in this situation.
"Yes" I smiled, i had completely forgotten about the yule ball.

I got up and sat beside him, kissing him deeply. I honestly couldn't get enough of him. He pulled me onto his lap and had his hands resting on my hips as we continued to kiss.
"How are you feeling" He asked, pulling away slightly out of breath.
I had completely forgotten about my scar.
"Much better" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head into his neck.


She was hanging onto me, as if she was scared to let go. I don't want to let go. I wanted to stay in this moment. I was still wrapping my head around the fact that she said yes. How could she like someone like me ? Why would anyone like me ?

She winced in pain, and i hugged her close to me. I didn't like seeing her like this. I didn't want to see her like this.
"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.
No reply. I started to panic, but then when i listened i could hear her soft breathing. She had fallen asleep on my lap. I didn't want to move, but we couldn't just sit in the three broomsticks like this. It looks a little..... dodgy.

I picked her up and walked back towards Hogwarts, carefully not trying to wake sleeping beauty. I managed to make it to her dorm and i placed her on her bed. Luckily Pansy and her big mouth weren't in there so Y/N could sleep peacefully.

She looked so calm when she sleeped. Very beautiful. I couldn't believe i was feeling this way about someone. It felt so foreign to me. What if i accidentally hurt her ? I know i have a short temper. There were endless possibilities to how i could hurt her.

Instead of worrying about that, i shook the thought out my head and climbed into bed beside her and fell asleep, this time with my head on her chest.

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