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I turned back around to face Draco, clearing the blood from my nose.

"When were you going to tell me ?" He yelled.

"There was no point, you abandoned me just like my parents did"

"Y/N I-"

My eyes turned black, and he stopped, staring into my eyes.

"If you were so mad then why did you come to me last night ?" He scoffed.

"Sadly we bare the same vile mark" I mumbled.

His face completely dropped and he paled.

"What ?, He stumbled, "What mark !" He yelled.

"What mark do you think Draco ?" I screamed back, pulling up the sleeve of my blazer.

He stared in shock at the mark. Slowly he looked up back at me.

"How did this happen ?" He mumbled.

"My parents- they forced me" I said, "It was either that or die"

"I realised then that you hadn't chosen this" I continued.

"Did he order you to do this ?" He asked.

"No, I just couldn't let them get to Dumbledore- and Bellatrix deserved it"

I clicked my fingers and appeared next to Draco.

"I love you Draco. When will you realise that ?"

Before he got a chance to say anything else, my nose started to bleed again, but at a rapid pace. I raised my hand and the crimson red colour instantly covered it.

"I have to go" I stuttered, stumbling away.

I stumbled down the corridor and made it back to my dorm. I was covered in blood. It had dripped all down my neck and arm. On my bed there was a letter, I cleared up the bloody mess from my hands before ripping it open.

Bellatrix is dead

- Mother

I had no idea what to do but I knew I had to tell Draco. I had no idea where he would have gone so I decided to search is dorm first.

I made my way towards his dorm, it didn't sound like he was in there but I flung the door open anyway. As I suspected it was empty. I stood for a second, wondering where he could be. The silence was suddenly filled will a screaming sob. I rushed over to the bathroom door but it was locked.

"Draco, let me in!" I screamed, banging on the door.

He wasn't going to open the fucking door. I closed my eyes, clicking my fingers. When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by the black tiles of Draco's bathroom.

All I could hear was his chocked sobs. I looked down and he was sat against the bathtub, his arm dripping with blood. The floor was pooling with blood and in his right hand, he was holding his wand that was also covered in blood.

I dropped to my knees beside him in shock, tears filling my eyes.

"Draco what are you doing ?" I whisper, snatching his wand from his hand.

"I can't do it anymore ! I don't want this Y/N" He sobbed.

"I know Draco, but you can't cut it out, it's filled with magic" I said cupping his face in my trembling his hands.

"I just want it to stop" He whispered.

"I know" I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.

I pulled away. I needed to clean up this mess. I put his wand on the side and pulled mine out my pocked, clearing the puddle from the floor.

"This is going to hurt" I told him.

I put my hand over the open wound, causing him to groan in pain. I closed my eyes and when I opened them they had shot black. The magic flowed from my hand, onto his arm, sealing the open wound.

I could feel it slowly draining me as the blood slowly stopped and his wound was closed.

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