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I got up and walked away from him. He just sat there like it never happened. He was unbelievable. I walked back to my dorm room and slammed the door behind me.
"No need to slam the door" Pansy said startled.
I didn't even acknowledge her and walked over to my bed. The book i had dropped was laying there. I picked it up and a note fell out.

I'm sorry.

I was going to need a lot more than that. I stormed out of my room and down to the common room, where Blaise, Crabbe and Malfoy were sat. I stormed over to the fire and chucked the note in it, making sure Malfoy could see. A tear slipped out of my eye and i quickly wiped it away and walked back to my room.

I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I debated going to class, but i could just study on my own. Instead i decided to go back outside, where i was quite happy until i was interrupted. As much as i wanted to say something to Malfoy my heart wouldn't let me. I didn't like to argue, i guess that comes from my parents walking out. Incredible what trauma you can be left with from these things.

I went and sat by the lake again.  It was peaceful and i was finally alone, no interruptions. I laid against a tree and slowly my eyes started to fall heavy and the next thing i knew i was asleep. It was what i needed.

I finally awoke, confused because darkness had fallen. How long was i asleep ? I slowly stood up and looked out at the lake, the full moon glistened on it, it was beautiful. Suddenly i heard a noise, i couldn't quite tell what it was but it was getting closer and closer. The next thing i know some sort of black dog is running past me and chasing after it is a werewolf. A werewolf !? As soon as it notices me it turns around. I had no idea what to do. I just froze. It lunched at me and i let out a scream. I collapsed to the floor in absolute agony. I was barely conscious. I hear spells being shot at the wolf and someone comes running over to my body and picks me up as i black out.

Y/N came running down with the note in her hand and that guilty feeling came back she put it in the fire and i watched her wipe away a tear. She ran back upstairs and about five minutes later she ran back out again. I rolled my eyes again, i tried to apologise.

I sat talking with the boys and it started to get late. Y/N hadn't come back so i decided to go and see where she was. I walked out towards the lake, guessing that's where she went again.

I walked closer to find a werewolf hanging over a body. I got closer and noticed that it was her, i shot a spell at it and quickly picked up her body. She had deep gashes going through her stomach. There was blood absolutely everywhere. The guilty feeling came back. If she wasn't mad at me she wouldn't have gone out there.

I took her back to the Slytherin common room and told Blaise to go and get some bandages and healing potion to help her. He ran there and back within minutes. I carefully took her robes off and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the deep gashes. Her shirt was already covered in blood so i used that to clear all the blood around them and then used the healing potions so they'd close up. It's definitely going to leave a mark i thought. I then wrapped them in bandages and pulled one of my quidditch jumpers over her.
"You should probably stay with her mate" Blaise said.
"She's mad" I hissed.
"She could of died" He said.

He was right. I picked her body up once again and carried her to my room. I pulled the covers over her and let her rest.

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