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Those words meant everything to me. It also told me how unloved Draco is. He was clearly anxious. I yawned and decided to lay down.
"Do you want me to go ?" He asked.
"No stay with me" I said.
He hesitantly laid down beside me. I put my leg across his and he pulled me closer.
"You're rather complicated you know?"
"I am not" He said stubbornly.
I laughed and slowly fell asleep beside Draco Malfoy.

I woke up feeling a lot better. Draco was gone. Of course he was gone, too arrogant to be seen with me. I got up and changed into my robes. My scar across my stomach was extremely sore today, it must be a full moon i thought.

I made my way down the stairs to the common room. Draco was in there but i completely ignored him and walked out to the great hall. I was in severe pain and i could tell my face must have been pale. I wasn't hungry at all so i just sat, trying to shift the pain from my stomach but it wouldn't work. It just got worse and worse.

Draco sat down beside me.
"Are you okay?" He asked, as if for once he meant it.
"Why are you acting as if you actually care?" I hissed. I had no idea why i said that, i didn't mean it.
"Because i do?" He asked confused.
I let out a laugh,
"Sure thing Draco" I said sarcastically.
"Fine if you're gonna act like this i won't bother next time because i don't fucking care" He hissed, clearly angry.
As soon as he left i broke down into tears.


I turned around to see her in now tears. How pathetic i thought. Acts like a complete bitch and then starts crying about it. I stormed off to the library, seen as classes didn't start for another hour.

I found a book about all the creatures so i sat down and began reading it. I came across a page about werewolf's.

If wounded by a werewolf, on the full moon survivors may experience irritation, heightened senses and severe mood changes. This is due to the curse on all werewolf's.

I instantly had a flashback to when i found Y/N's body outside unconscious, and covered in blood. I felt bad for what i had said. How was i supposed to know she would act like this ? I decided to go and apologise, well try and apologise, apologising has never really been my thing.

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