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It had been 3 days. 3 fucking long days and she still wasn't awake. The more fucking days went past the more i worried. What if she didn't wake up ? what if she died ?

For each of those 3 days i visited her and sat beside her, holding her cold hands in my own. As each day went on i slept less and bags started to form under my eyes, but i didn't care. I couldn't stand the thought of her being alone in that hospital wing, or waking up alone in that hospital wing.

I felt like it was my fault this happened. If i hadn't stormed out she wouldn't have gotten distracted from the task. If i hadn't stormed out i would have been there to make the potion with her. If i hadn't stormed out it would be me lying in that bed, not her.

I was really starting to wish i hadn't joined Umbridges stupid squad. Clearly it was getting Y/N into worse trouble. However i can't leave, she won't let anyone.

A week went past and there wasn't a day that went past where i didn't go to see her in the infirmary. I hated seeing her in that state. I hated not being able to talk to her. I hated not knowing what we were because i screwed up. Again.

I was truly losing hope now and i wasn't sure how much longer i could stand this for. I sat at her side, after a long Friday, holding her cold hand. Her bruises were fading but her state was getting no better. There was no sign of her waking up.

I sat and watched her lay there.
I would say peacefully, but she didn't look peaceful at all. Her face was drained of any colour and her face dull and resting, making her look sad and depressed.

It was starting to get late so i decided to make my way back to the Slytherin common room.
"Goodnight Y/N" I said, kissing her hand and slowly letting go and i walked away.

I trudged my way along the empty corridors not wanting to console in anything or anyone. I was so sad it was as if she had died. I felt like i had died. It had been a week without her and i had barely survived. How pathetic is that ? It was like i needed her to live.

I hated the pathetic feeling Y/N made me feel sometimes. It made me feel stupid and pathetic. However my feelings for her overweighted that and i loved her .

I walked through the common room entrance only to find Crabbe and Goyle sat on the sofa's eating their body weights in sweets.
"Hi Draco. Want to sit with us ?" They asked, Mouths stuffed with sweets and god knows what else.
"No thanks" I mumbled back, heading for the stairs to the boys dorms.
They looked at each other confused, waiting for the rude comeback or insult.

All i wanted was a cuddle from my girl. I missed her so much. It was pathetic.

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