Chapter 8: the two cats

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Y/n pov
I just got out of bed my room's a little bit colder today because apparently, I forgot to close the window when I went out with Namjoon and then I fell asleep, and then  I don't remember closing the window. I was very hungry so I decided to go to the cafeteria this is what I wore today.

I see Allison  sitting at our table will look at her food and munching on itso I go sit next to her she looks up at me and smiles and she asks in sign languageAllison: where have you been haven't seen you since  WednesdayY/n: I've been hanging out...

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I see Allison  sitting at our table will look at her food and munching on it
so I go sit next to her she looks up at me and smiles and she asks in sign language
Allison: where have you been haven't seen you since  Wednesday
Y/n: I've been hanging out with "the soulmates"* I signed to her*
Allison: really "the  soulmates" don't usually hang around with other people except themselves they also don't even spare a glance at  anyone  in the cafeteria they just look at  each other they also only talk to each other the only people they  sometimes talk to is there the therapist
Y/n: I didn't know that  they seem nice to me
Allison: Y/n they're not nice to anyone one time this guy started to flirt with Jennie and Jennie was with Namjoon and Lisa they were so angry at the guy they almost killed him Namjoon started shouting at him and then Lisa kick the guy in the nuts Jennie started trying to separate them from the guy.  they ended up putting the guy into the hospital He was there for a month by both of them do the only one that stopped them was one of the other soulmates Yoongi and even he looked mad.
Y/n:  I guess That guy got what he deserved I mean "The soulmates" are very overprotective over each other Did the guy touch Jennie?
Allison: I think he grabbed her wrist or something
After Allison sign me that I got super angry my blood started boiling I don't know why
Allison: Are you okay y/n? you look  kind of pissed off
Y/n: no I'm okay
Allison: I get it there is a little bit overprotective but like you don't need to put a guy  into the hospital  over jealousy or something
Y/n:  maybe they did that because they had to imagine your soulmate being in that situation what were you do
Allison: I guess that makes sense I would be jealous and I would probably punch the guy
Y/n: right anyway what do you want to do?
Allison: how about you go to my room and we watch a movie
Y/n: that sounds like a plan let's do it
I go to her room with her and then we watch a movie  after that I decided to go to my room so I can I said goodbye to her  and go up to my room

Yoongi pov
I was with Rosé in Lisa's bedroom with Hoseok. I and Rosie were planning on going to Y/n's room on cats from Rosé has the power to change into any animal but she can also change her soulmates into animals this is actually how we met Lisa since Lisa loves cats.  And my soulmates are always called me little meow meow so I figured why not
Lisa:yoongles and Rosie are you ready?
Rosé: Yeah but what if she doesn't like cats or what if she's allergic to cats?
We all get pretty sad when Rosie thinks twice about her actions it's part of her disorder but we always assure her
Yoongi: it's going to be alright sweetie I'll be there with you
Hoseok: yeah honey you don't have to be scared yoongles going to be there with you to make sure you're okay and  besides you'll get to cuddle  with Y/N
Rosé: do but I wanted you to also be there you know I can change anyone I want
Lisa:  I know you do but it's going to be a little weird four cats go into her room maybe we'll go in next time okay
Rosie closes her eyes and then touches me I turn into a cat and then she turns into a cat. I meow at Lisa and Hoseok  they're holding each other like this

after That Rose repeat after me and meowswe get out of Lisa's window we keep walking because their room is four  Windows down Lisa's room

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after That Rose repeat after me and meows
we get out of Lisa's window we keep walking because their room is four  Windows down Lisa's room. Rosé in front of me so she falls I'll catch her when we get to her window was open and She was next to her. Rosé meows at her and she looks down at her then I stepped in front and Y/n sees and picks me up.

Y/n pov
I was just staring at the moon when I heard a meow so I looked down and saw a  white cat  and a black cat

Y/n pov I was just staring at the moon when I heard a meow so I looked down and saw a  white cat  and a black cat

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They both look at me and then at each other so pick them up and put them on my bed and close the window

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They both look at me and then at each other so pick them up and put them on my bed and close the window.
The black cat walked to cuddle next to the white cat just looks back at me the black cat starts giving licks on her fur and she starts purring.
Y/n: aren't you  the cutest kittens I've ever seen
Both of them: meow 
Y/n: you too little cats are very calm to be stray cats
Both of them: meow
They both yawn
Y/n: are you two Kitties tired?
They both meow look like they're nodding their head so I go to bed I pull the covers they come lay next to me cuddling like I do and then we fall asleep.

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