Chapter 14: Killing douchebag

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Warning: mentions of blood and torturing

Jimin pov 

I woke up at 4 a.m by a  knock at my door I decided to ignore it but then I heard knocking again and a sweet voice whispered.

Namjoon: Hey Sweetie open the door 

I hastily got off my bed and went towards the door. Namjoon was standing there looking around him to see if people were awake and he was wearing a gray hoodie and some black pants and sneakers he had his hoodie over his head.

 Namjoon was standing there looking around him to see if people were awake and he was wearing a gray hoodie and some black pants and sneakers he had his hoodie over his head

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I stepped out of the way so he can come in once he got in he took off his shoes and looked at me expectantly.

Namjoon: sweetheart gets some black clothes on okay.
Jimin: ok but why?
Namjoon: you'll see my sweetheart.

I complied and put some black clothes on once I was done I went to the bed and saw he was sitting on it. When he saw me he stood up and walked towards me and grabbed his backpack I didn't even notice he had a backpack with him. We walk towards the door and opened it in walked through the hallways until we got to what appeared the room.

Jimin: What are we doing here Joon?
Namjoon: oh Jimmie was here to punish the bastard
Jimin: oh is it  Cameron?
Namjoon: Yes baby
I was so excited to torture Cameron but remember the rest of our soulmates also like to torture.

Jimin: Joon what about our soulmates you know how they get when they will find out.
Namjoon: I know sweetheart they probably want to join in but they had a very tiring day okay besides don't you want to kill with me.
Jimin: oh of course I do Joon
Namjoon: okay so it's settled then.

We unlock the door and open it to see Cameron sleeping. Namjoon put some anesthesia that he got from the doctors and put it inside a needle and stabbed it into his neck. Namjoon starts carrying him and we go into one part of the gardens and I see a little house
So we go inside the house and Namjoon put the boy down on the floor He starts preparing things we then put his hands and likes changing to go banisters and we wait for him to wake up.
A few minutes later he woke up.

Cameron: where am I?
Jimin: oh look Joonie someone's awake
Namjoon: I know love and you're in the gardens
Cameron: ok can you let me go?
Namjoon: No you need to be punished.
Cameron: punished? but I didn't do anything.
Jimin: that's where you're wrong you talk to one of our soulmates without our permission let alone flirt with her in front of us dude that just cost you your whole life.
Cameron: oh you mean Y/n I didn't know she was your soulmate I'm sorry it won't happen again.
Namjoon: definitely not.

Namjoon got a knife from his pocket and handed it to me.

Namjoon: do you want to start Jiminie?
I smile and giggle
Jimin: of course

I was thinking to myself what was the best way to torture him maybe start off by cutting his tongue off or maybe his fingers.

Jimin: I start with the fingers you think it's a good idea babe
Namjoon: yes it's a very good idea baby
I giggle and namjoon ruffles my hair. I stalk my way over to him and he starts shaking like a leaf I love it when the victim starts shaking I love when they're scared when they think something bad is going to happen I love seeing their faces it gives me a sense of pleasure.

Cameron: I'm sorry promise it won't happen again I won't talk to her or l-look at her or even flirt with her just p-please let me go.
Then Namjoon walked up to him

Namjoon: oh you think it's going to be that easy do you think we're going to let you go off with a warning and not punish you well you're sorely mistaken we never do that none of us would ever do that, you messed with the wrong girl did you not think I would see the uncomfortable look in her eyes I've never liked to see any of our baby girls with that look in their eyes because if I did I would kill the person who made her uncomfortable or even flirted with them you're so lucky our other soulmates are not here because if they were they would have killed you already.
Jimin:  Joonie do you want to take over?
Namjoon: yes my baby gives me the knife.

I give him the knife  Namjoon kissed me on the lips before turning back to the other guy. He turned the guy around and started slicing his back Cameron cried and screamed but no one could hear him it was soundproofed after all. Cameron's screaming was like music to my ears I started laughing I'm giggling and also smiling I love to hear their pleas and screams for us to stop it's like music to my ears. After that Cameron didn't survive much longer he lost too much blood so he instantly He was such a weakling.
Namjoon turn to me I looked at his hands and it was all bloody he then grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss and then we could have the body into the forest and burned it and then we put out the fire and then we went back to our rooms before that we kissed good night and went to sleep.

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