Chapter 20: Bonding with Yoongi,Jin and Jisoo

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Yoongi pov
Today I slept with Jin and Jisoo. Today, we would spend the day with Y/n we decided to be the three of us. Three days ago Jimin and Y/n bonded and they stayed next to each other for the next 3 days so the bond doesn't get weak.

They were inseparable these three days every time they came to eat with us Jimin would stare at all of us while holding Y/n close to his chest. If anyone were to touch y/n he would rip their hands off. Anyway, we went down for breakfast because we were in my bedroom and my bedroom is on the second floor.
Jin was helping Jisoo to the cafeteria I went in front of them to see if the others were there already and they were so I walked up to them and kissed each one of their heads and pulled the chair so Jisoo could sit and I sat next to her and Jin sat next to Jungkook.
They were talking about multiple movies while Jennie and Lisa were having their conversation about dance and Y/n was conversing with Taehyung about K-dramas.

Jennie: who's going to bond with y/n today?
Y/n: Yoongi, Jisoo, and Jin

We already decided where we were gonna go but it was only at night. We were going to see the ⭐⭐.
So we decided to just chill.

Y/n: so what time are we going on our date?
Jisoo: at 9:00 p.m.
Y/n: ok so we are going to chill the rest of the day?
Jin: Yes

Y/n pov
Since I bond with Jimin I've been feeling weird. I know Jimin was also feeling weird I can see it on his face. I decided to talk to him.

Y/n: Jimin can I talk to you?
Jimin: yeah sure
Y/n: Jimin have you been feeling weird lately?
Jimin: have little why?
Y/n: It's just that I've been feeling weird since we bonded.
Jimin: oh that's probably because you have a gift.
Y/n: what is a gift?
Jimin: You normally get a gift when you bond with one of your soulmates if you have multiple soulmates every time you bond with them you'll get a new gift.
Y/n: that's so cool what did I give you?
Jimin: it lets me know what other people have for gifts
Y/n: that is so cool then what are mine?
Jimin: okay but you have to promise me you won't force it okay?
Y/n: I promise
Jimin: you can turn things little and big
Y/n: really?
Jimin: yeah 👍

We stopped our conversation because Jin called me over to him.

Jin: y/n come here.
I walked towards him and he pulled me with him Jisoo and Yoongi were following behind him while we went towards his room.

Jin: tonight you're ours.
Y/n: ok

Jin pov
I can't wait for us to finally bond with her it felt like years because it has. We still had a little bit until our date.

Jisoo: how about instead of TV we asked some questions each other?
Y/n: yeah that sounds fun 😊.
Jin: What are some things that bug you?
Y/n: Slow Internet, Staring at people, saying "No offense" after something insulting, Bragging, looking at your cellphone when someone is talking, what about you guys?
Jin: Littering, Leaving Dirty Dishes In The Sink, Clipping Your Nails In Public, Talking When Your Mouth Is Full.
Yoongi: Being Told To "Calm Down", Excessive Public Displays Of Affection, Blasting Music.
Jisoo: Saying, "I'm Sorry You Feel That Way, Eating Smelly Food In Public, Not Taking Responsibility.
Yoongi: How many languages can you speak?
Y/n: I can speak languages English, Korean, Portuguese, dutch, french, and Spanish what about you guys?

Jisoo: I know English, Korean, and Chinese

Jin: English, Korean, and Chinese
Yoongi: English, Korean, and Japanese

Y/n: What is your soul-power that you got from each other?
Yoongi: From Jin, I got emotion beam emission because his power has to do with emotion, and Jisoo I got quantum telekinesis because her power is telekinesis
Jin: From Jisoo I got demonic telekinesis and from Yoongi, I got an elemental aura
Jisoo: From Yoongi's elemental Intangibility and Jin I got empathy

After a few more questions
I said
Jin: we should go upstairs to see the stars.
Y/n: so our date is to see stars?
Yoongi: well of course sweetheart did you honestly think our date was just staying in your room and asking questions?
Y/n: no not really

We went upstairs and saw the Stars y/n was gazing at them with googly eyes. I was sitting next to Jisoo while the white yen was sitting next to Jisoo and Yoongi was sitting on the other side of her.
After that, we talked and then it went silent for a while until Yoongi decided to break it.

Yoongi: Y/nie can we kiss you?

She coughed and then looked at him and started to blush she nodded.

Jisoo: use your words, honey,
Y/n: y-yes
Yoongi didn't need to hear more words because he grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, they were still smooching, and then why end turned to Jisoo and kissed her. And then she saw me then I kissed her too. We went to my room. We all needed to stay together because we were going to be overprotective of y/n. Yoongi had her wrapped around himself so she would not escape because she was whining that she wanted to get her pajamas from her room.

Y/n: Yoongi I need to get my pajamas
She whined but I could see he was not budging.
Jisoo: I'll go get it y/n.
Jin: no Jisoo you're staying.
Jisoo: but she needs her pajamas to sleep in.
Yoongi: she can sleep in one of Jinnie's clothes.
Y/n: but what about Jinnie's OCD?
Jin: oh it's okay as long as it's my soulmates.

Time skip after a few Days

Jin: y/n you can't go right now without us.
Y/n: but I'm hungry Jinnie
Jisoo: you have to wait for us, baby.
Y/n: ok

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